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ALBUM REVIEW: Fire – Kittie

Following their hiatus directly after their appearance at a hometown show in Toronto back in 2013, KITTIE’s story was left unfinished. Their future was uncertain after the chapter on their sixth album I’ve Failed You (2011) closed. Financial issues surrounding touring and dwindling public interest at the time made continuation unfathomable.

Nevertheless, the forces of nature ensured their end did not come to fruition. 2022 opened the doors to possibility. They received invitations to perform at festivals like When We Were Young, they signed to Sumerian Records, and the public’s interest was reignited as early songs from their discography gained popularity on TikTok. Additionally, the use of these songs allowed older fans to reminisce. Ultimately, these events birthed the white-hot wickedness that is Fire. With so many opportunities mounting up, spending nine months in a studio eventually became a viable option.

Unleashing a hellish sound with the opening title track, guitarist Tara McLeod and guitarist/vocalist Morgan Lander lay down devilish licks complemented by haunting and hypnotising “oohs“. The track pulses with a honed maleficence as Lander screams with all the fury of a banshee. Lyrics like “I am a fire / So watch me burn” give us a glimpse of that raw viciousness fans will be familiar with. Here and throughout, KITTIE maintain their moral integrity and shine a light on the world of womanhood through their lyricism. It is something they have always stood by closely with an all-female line-up. They have long since shaken off their adolescence, but their own life experiences led them here.

Clean vocals and fierce gutturals go hand-in-hand on tracks like Falter and Are You Entertained. In contrast, lead single Eyes Wide Open closes off the album as an all-gutturals-no-extras track, and shows the world exactly how heavy KITTIE can get. It is a fierce stomp, a horned devil, and a heavy metal hit all in one, up there with second track I Still Wear This Crown. This ferocity is the staple of the band many know and love. Put together with thunderous and unrelenting guitars, KITTIE have left us to feast.

By returning to music, KITTIE have proven that they always left the door to their career open. They were waiting for a moment to renew their passion for the music they wrote and the band they crafted – and it came to them. With the release of this album, listeners can see KITTIE in a renewed light. While the band have worn various styles in the music scene, transitioning from nu-metal to alternative metal, Fire could quickly become your standard metal staple. In an interview with Distorted Sound, Lander told us that KITTIE ‘married’ their past identities to make Fire happen. They built an empire, and now they stand tall in it.

A return to the music scene after 13 years away is what you make it. Nevertheless, KITTIE have made an impressive comeback. The band prove their expertise in the metal scene. If you’re looking for metal from powerful musicians, it’s worth giving Fire a try. Creating something beyond mere nostalgia requires tremendous effort, and deserves commendation. Through their return, they have demonstrated they are more than just a metal band comprising women. Fire establishes they are a force much, much greater. 

Rating: 8/10

Fire - Kittie

Fire is set for release on June 21st via Sumerian Records.

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