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ALBUM REVIEW: Incineration Prayer / Self Righteous Suicide – Bastard Noise

There are lots of aptly-named bands (EXTREME NOISE TERROR and BRUTAL TRUTH are two who immediately spring to mind) whose name invokes the spirit of exactly what the band are doing musically. When it comes to the all out sonic terror of what they create, then BASTARD NOISE are possibly the most aptly and perfectly named band. Formed as an offshoot of the similarly immense MAN IS THE BASTARD, BASTARD NOISE provide an equally as hellish ride into the most extreme end of sonic terror.

The band’s latest release is tellingly titled Incineration Prayer / Self Righteous Suicide and it is once again released on the mighty DROPDEAD‘s Armageddon Label and sees the kindred spirits with the Providence, Rhode Island legends cause all manner of sonic bruising in the most intense way possible. Incineration Prayer / Self Righteous Suicide is only two tracks and is split into a side A and side B with the first side a harrowing 15-minute descent into a powerviolence-induced madness that has echoes of the soundtrack to the most intense and on edge film that could ever exist and one that ends impressively on such a downbeat vibe.

The second side meanwhile is split into different parts and sees the music of BASTARD NOISE veer from almost ambient passages to that harsh noise and powerviolence combo that grabs you by the throat and won’t let go, no matter how much you want it to. The relentlessness that ends the track comes on like you are being suffocated and the way it ends so abruptly is a startling feeling as it feels as though you have just been released and as you grab your breath, you look back at the distressing but exhilarating body of noise that you have just been subjected to.

The noise levels that blast through the speakers as you listen throughout conjure up all manner of aural hallucinations but it is an unbelievably captivating experience and BASTARD NOISE deserve all the plaudits they get for undoubtedly the most intense record you will hear this year, or any other. This is a collection of noise-laden brilliance that needs to be experienced in whole and all in all it will consume you in its horror and sparseness, but in doing so (as well as leaving your ears blown), it will certainly do the same for your mind.

Incineration Prayer / Self Righteous Suicide is not for the faint of heart in any way, shape or form and is certainly not an easy listening experience but rather a harsh lesson in the violence of noise and one that is so worth it as it is extremely cathartic and hypnotic in equal measure.

Rating: 8/10

Incineration Prayer - Self Righteous Suicide - Bastard Noise

Incineration Prayer / Self Righteous Suicide is out now via Armageddon Label.

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