AlternativeMetalcoreMusic VideoNews

OnDisplay release new music video for ‘Soothe’

ONDISPLAY have released a new music video!

The new music video is for the track Soothe, which the electro-metalcore duo released last month, and was filmed against the backdrop of a salt pan in Dealesville, South Africa.

Speaking about the video, vocalist and guitarist Ryan Kopman comments, “The concept for Soothe and the music video played a pivotal role in defining ONDISPLAY and the content that we wanted to share with the world. We had extensive discussions about mental health and the various ‘therapies’ people resort to. Soothe depicts the struggle and search for a therapy, which could yield positive or, in many cases, negative outcomes. Music emerged as our saviour in times of despair.”

Drummer Greg Groothedde adds, “So, Soothe began as a riff that we played around with during our set preparations. The song developed musically as we worked on lyrics and melody, and both Ryan and I were fully committed to the project. What made Soothe special was that we already had the concept for the music video while creating the song.”

Watch the official video for Soothe here:

For more information on ONDISPLAY like their official page on Facebook.

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