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LIVE REVIEW: Landmvrks @ Electric Brixton, London

On a particularly humid May evening, there’s a line snaking round the block even before doors open. One of metalcore’s breakout successes of the last few years – French outfit LANDMVRKS – have landed on a headline tour, and they’ve brought some of the scene’s best new bands (GUILT TRIP) as well as returning legends (THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA) along for the ride. Needless to say, there’s an excited buzz in the air even alongside how close the evening feels, before anyone even steps foot in the venue.

Guilt Trip live @ Electric Brixton, London. Photo Credit: Anne Pfalzgraf
Guilt Trip live @ Electric Brixton, London. Photo Credit: Anne Pfalzgraf

If you didn’t already know GUILT TRIP are from Manchester, blaring OASIS’ What’s the Story (Morning Glory) as they stroll onstage is one hell of way to find out before they deliver a bruising assault of metallic hardcore. Yes there’s more than a passing resemblance to MALEVOLENCE (the MLVLTD connection, naturally) but they lean more into their earlier hardcore sound with fairly minimal modern metal flourishes. It leans heavily on their excellent recent album Severance and while there isn’t necessarily the brutality you’d see at their own or pure hardcore shows, the pit’s plenty active and they set a high bar. 

Rating: 9/10

Like Moths To Flames live @ Electric Brixton, London. Photo Credit: Anne Pfalzgraf
Like Moths To Flames live @ Electric Brixton, London. Photo Credit: Anne Pfalzgraf

LIKE MOTHS TO FLAMES have a tall order following them, and while their metalcore is far more polished and crisp the crowd clearly loves it. They admit at the outset it’s been eight years since they last toured here which certainly explains a good a deal of the enthusiasm – absence makes the heart grow fonder, after all. To make up for their absence, the band draw no more than two songs from albums across their discography that the crowd lap up, jumping, pitting and crowd surfing to their heart’s content. It doesn’t have the heft or energy of before but it’s a strong return to these shores. 

Rating: 7/10

The Devil Wears Prada live @ Electric Brixton, London. Photo Credit: Anne Pfalzgraf
The Devil Wears Prada live @ Electric Brixton, London. Photo Credit: Anne Pfalzgraf

THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA are stalwarts of the scene so it’s a little surprising to see them below the top of this bill. If it bothers them they don’t show it as they bound onstage, particularly guitarist/vocalist Jeremy DePoyster who gets a hero’s welcome and looks like he’s having a blast. A thunderous Watchtower into Danger: Wildman sets the crowd ablaze; if there’s any niggles it’s that the band sound quieter than expected, and certainly quieter than the two before them. It’s still a crisp and clear sound, and a set packed with towering, emotive anthems. Hearing their growth across the setlist from older songs like Outnumbered from the beloved Zombie EP to cuts from 2022’s critically acclaimed Color Decay, including Salt and new standalone Ritual, with a crowd that still hangs off every note is a reminder of why people love them so much, and with their just-announced 2025 headline tour, you can bet there’ll be more than a few faces from tonight reappearing then. 

Rating: 9/10

Landmvrks live @ Electric Brixton, London. Photo Credit: Anne Pfalzgraf
Landmvrks live @ Electric Brixton, London. Photo Credit: Anne Pfalzgraf

Frenchmen LANDMVRKS’ rise is meteoric; less than two years ago they were a support act at a venue half the size of the one they’re headlining tonight. It’s the Creature Tour so naturally that’s the first thing they play after rousing Eurodance gets the crowd moving again, its rapid fire rap and nu metal bounce the ideal amount of bombast to open. A giant LED V adorns the back, pulsating through various colours during the evening and they don’t even need to ask for crowd surfers or circle pits; instead, the crowd throw themselves into the show just as much as the band onstage.

They’ve grown into the stage admirably, with an easy confidence in the bigger room that keeps the crowd in the palms of their hands. Death has every person shouting back the title in its chorus, while a blistering Say No Word and late highlight Hollow sound huge with a thousand-plus throats singing them back. Vocalist Florent Salfati can’t keep the grin off his face; as he says early on, it’s a sold out show and further cements how much their clearly dedicated fanbase has grown in a relatively short time. They’re taking it all in their ever-lengthening stride too, and tonight’s packed out, extremely sweaty show is sure to stick in fans’ memories for a long while. 

Rating: 8/10

Check out our photo gallery of the night’s action in London from Anne Pfalzgraf here: 

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