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ALBUM REVIEW: A Grey Farewell – Mourners Lament

Chilean quintet MOURNERS LAMENT started making waves in their local scene shortly after their formation in 2004. Live shows kept the attention while they released several demos and EPs.  However, line-up changes resulted in a stuttering continuation and a period of dormancy before 2019 saw a resurgence, a solidified new line-up and an EP – Grieving at A Distance – which reignited the death-doom five-piece. European shows have followed and now, with everything seemingly falling into place, a brand-new album to herald the true arrival of MOURNERS LAMENT.

Given their chosen genre and band name, many could be forgiven for thinking that MOURNERS LAMENT may seek to ape CANDLEMASS in their stylistic delivery. Now true, there is something of that pioneering doom seeping through in their sound, but there is a whole lot more to be discovered and enjoyed. One would be foolish to write MOURNERS LAMENT off as mere genre clones.

Seeds of suitable sorrow are sown with Towards Abandonment. A 10-minute plus track is always ambitious as an album opener, however MOURNERS LAMENT have used it to perfect effect. Building a soundscape backdrop for everything that is to follow, the opening track introduces a purely distilled death-doom feel that has hallmarks of some of the genre greats but firmly establishes the band’s own unique identity. Gentle synth and piano lines layer the textures to build a pensive atmosphere before the illusion of peace is shattered by crashing guitars and a colossal rhythm section. The guttural vocals match the heavier delivery before giving way to a juxtaposed clean take for the delicate versus. MOURNERS LAMENT have most certainly arrived and it’s a hell of an introductory affair.

The album slides seamlessly between each track, generating an uninterrupted journey of melodic woe. However, it does not stagnate and disappear into muddled paths of overly produced layers that add little to the music. While upping the ante in terms of track length as well as heightening the doom atmosphere, Changes exemplifies the musicianship of MOURNERS LAMENT. Gentle piano lines once again work alongside powerful riffs and rhythms to generate a foreboding and pummelling sound. The tonality of the album is firmly grasped within this track, with the band channelling everything that is great about death-doom into the music and layering in the textures and techniques to great effect.

The doom genre and the sub collective of death-doom is still a relatively niche taste despite the fan circles growing every wider. It often takes a great crossover aspect to draw new fans in. The intensity of Mass Eulogy will certainly appeal to those leaning towards the death part of the genre. With an irresistible groove laced throughout the track that comes to the fore after the intro, it’s a track that continuously grows in might and delivers a powerful outro for what is a commanding album.

With just six tracks, with timings ranging between seven minutes and all the way past the 13-minute mark, A Grey Farewell is not an album to contain a catchy radio friendly number. What MOURNERS LAMENT have achieved though is a sublime, majestic slice of melancholia. While the tracks intertwine and flow seamlessly, this is an album that is a journey, best enjoyed as a whole. While there may not be an attention-grabbing single as such, there is an awful lot of striking detail on offer with intoxicating riffs and melodies laced within an engaging atmosphere.

Rating: 9/10

A Grey Farewell - Mourners Lament

A Grey Farewell is set for release on August 2nd via Personal Records.

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