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ALBUM REVIEW: Summer – Valletta

North Carolina quartet VALLETTA are a band with pedigree, with members featuring in various projects and bringing something of their former enterprises to the mix. A potent blend of extreme metal and more traditional rock ‘n’ roll saw an emerging anthemic sound on the EP Come Alive. Debut album Summer, builds upon their burgeoning style and delivers soaring melodies, supercharged riffs and some bludgeoning rhythms. A tricky combination to master and something that can easily go astray.

Punchy right from the off. Kissing Angels offers a foot stomping beat, crunchy riff delivering a rock ‘n’ roll swagger for the album introduction.  Then the guttural vocals kick in, lending credence to their extreme metal credentials.  As a statement, it showcases the black n roll stylistics popularised by artist like KVELERTAK. The short, sharp track length of the opener is maintained throughout the twelve tracks on offer. There’s no danger of VALLETTA sitting still on one riff or rhythmic idea as they seek to deliver at a rapid pace.

There’s a relentless savagery that is barely concealed by the rock ‘n’ roll groove and when they let loose, VALLETTA really like to show it off. Diving into The Deep, Bringing The Worst and album closer Almighty Hate all stand out. These are moments when they let the pressure valve go and the darker, heavier side of their influence is shoved to the fore. Pound for pound, Summer is an album that will hold its own against many top extreme metal releases off the strength of these tracks alone. However, that’s just one of their creative outlets. They truly excel when they throw some fist pumping, crowd friendly anthems together with the intense riffs.

III Blood and On The Run are scorching high points in this smouldering smorgasbord. Both feature headbanger friendly riffs and mosh pit inducing rhythms. All wrapped up in the guttural grin of the rock ‘n’ roll vocals.  The guitar solos soar, invoking the sacred air guitar treatment.  On the Run in particular has the sort of song writing and delivery that any band would give their last plectrum for. Catchy, melodic and menacing, it’s the pinnacle of Summer

While the quality of the band is beyond question, there are moments where the music feels a little stagnant. There is a level mix throughout the album which while unifying the sound detracts from any dynamics or textural changes. Tracks like Serpents Of Solomon and Saint are on a very equal footing and become almost one with each other and losing out on defining characteristics. Similarly, Soot and Ash has the potential to be a riff driven bruiser of a highpoint. However, it feels a little lost between the rapid fire Criminal and exciting III Blood.

Fast, furious and undeniably fun. There’s lots to enjoy on this rabble-rousing debut. Moments of anthemic energy, tightly packed hooks and wailing guitar solos back up a solid extreme metal punch. The spirit of rock ‘n’ roll is embellished and VALLETTA have certainly thrown themselves into the sound generating a gut punching debut. At times the record may seem a little rough around the edges which does add to the charm, and if they expand on the numerous musical peaks this will serve as an excellent spring board for the future.

Rating: 7/10

Summer - Valletta

Summer is out now via Forcefield Records

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