Album ReviewsDeath MetalReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Terrified Of God – Vomit Forth

It seemed that the release of the 200 STAB WOUNDS album earlier this year would be the high point for the wave of death metal made by hardcore kids in 2025. However, there is another. A record that is somehow more menacing, more bludgeoning and even slightly more evil sounding (Though not more disgusting, that would be impossible) than 200 STAB WOUNDS and it comes in the form of the brand new record by VOMIT FORTH.

The band’s third album, Terrified Of God is without any doubt, a statement release from the band. Having honed their craft from a much more death metal focused band in their early days to a chunkier, more violent proposition, they’ve shared stages with bands from all walks of extreme life. This is a band who would be at home with bands like LORNA SHORE as much as HATEBREED and CANNIBAL CORPSE.

From the first singles, Blood Soaked Death Dream and the superbly unsettlingly named Rotting Wool, showcased a hefty, crowbar-to-the-face level of production (Shout-out to the legend that is Randy LeBeouf) that immediately activates your fight or flight mechanism. Blend that with an atmosphere akin to tendrils of darkness seeping into your bedroom while your sleep paralysis demon just laughs, it’s a combination that yields amazing results.

There’s a mix of tracks on here in terms of style. From the raging, blood-vessel bursting opener (with it’s warped Lord’s prayer spoken word) that is Victim Impact Statement (Which brings the squealing and distorted breakdowns akin to PSYCHO FRAME) to more sinister pieces such as Negative Penance, which fully leans into the atmospheric side of things.

Across its 27 minute run time, it manages to fit a lot in for this type of record. It lurches and belches extremity in your face while all the while sending shivers down your spine. An often unsung hero of the bands sound is drummer Luke Zeitler, who’s nigh-on perfect blasts and pummelling drums really stand out, alongside a career defining performance by vocalist Kane Gelaznik.

It’s rare to find a deathcore vocalist who can stand above the pack but Kane manages it, sounding much more evil and powerful than the vast majority of his peers. It perhaps ends a bit suddenly and there are moments where you’d possibly want the band to expand on things, but on the other hand, too much of a good thing is bad for you.

As final track Salt fades away in a mess of piercing distortion after wrapping things in a lovely bow made of suspiciously sourced skin, you’re ready to go again. Perhaps some of the most ridiculous 27 minutes of music you’ll hear this year, it puts VOMIT FORTH at the head of the pack and on this form, there is only really one direction for the band to go and that is up.

Rating: 9/10

Terrified Of God - Vomit Forth

Terrified Of God is out now via Century Media Records.

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