Album ReviewsDeathcoreReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Bleed-Abide – Bodysnatcher

Fresh off the heels of a UK run supporting INGESTED, Floridian deathcore outfit BODYSNATCHER are poised to take the world by storm with their impending full length entitled Bleed-Abide. The follow-up to 2020’s This Heavy Void is due for release on April 22nd via MNRK Heavy and should come equipped with a health warning.

Bleed immerses you in a haunting, ominous atmosphere that descends into monstrous jabbing riffs that slot straight into the hammering intensity of Abide. The drum beats are like a pneumatic drill straight to your skull. Sheer savagery from the onset is the name of the game and “I don’t need your fucking help” defiantly departing the mouth of frontman Kyle Medina displays exactly what mood BODYSNATCHER are bringing to the table. Absolved Of The Strings And Stone offers up an equally minimal measure of mercy, dishing out angry, stomping riffs laced with pure disgust. The abrupt tempo switches really assist in enhancing the levels of aggression which is being unleashed from every pore. Smashed Perception continues to beat the air out of your lungs with a two-step infused frenzy. The bleak tones of desolation are like a shroud of black clouds ready to drown you in a torrential downpour.

Flatline hits so hard it’ll make your jaw tremble. The guttural onslaught combined with punishing guitar work is a certifiable means of creating a hefty body count if let loose in a live environment. Glass Prison will give your neck a serious workout as its venomous brutality begins to seep into your veins, corrupting every cell it comes into contact with. Value Through Suffering exhibits some unnerving melodies that lurk amongst the shadows, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. Crushing blast beats wreak havoc on your senses. Chaos is an appropriate choice of description for what unfolds within this track, keeping you on your toes with its eerie introductory sequence that soon transforms into a dissonant assault.

E.D.A picks up the pace with some swift riffing and ferocious vocal outbursts. It doesn’t take long to realise what the acronym represents. Wired For Destruction continues to annihilate what remains of your weary soul with additional rounds of violent instrumentation. The latter stages are drenched in enticing hardcore elements, showing just how diverse BODYSNATCHER can be. Hollow Shell is utterly remorseless, rarely taking its foot off your throat. The vocal bellows are particularly unsettling, confronting dark subject matter that will leave you with a heaviness in the pit of your stomach. Behind The Crowd ensures that the adrenaline continues to flow like a gushing waterfall, throwing a variety of vicious riffs in your direction. The Question arguably leaves the band’s most stirring offering until last. The sadistic nature of this track is like being attached to the back of a speeding train with no other option but to helplessly flail in its wake.

A full length deathcore release can run the risk of becoming too formulaic but BODYSNATCHER have plenty of tricks up their sleeves to guarantee you are firmly engaged with every second of this rollercoaster from hell. Their skillset enables them to be just as comfortable getting down and dirty with the slower, beatdown elements as they are hitting you with rapid rounds of pure carnage. There are also a lot of thought provoking messages to be dissected within this release which helps elevate them beyond the usual blood and guts that this style of music tends to lean towards. A very impressive effort from one of the genre’s hottest prospects.

Rating: 9/10

Bleed-Abide - Bodysnatcher

Bleed-Abide is due for release on April 22nd via MNRK Heavy.

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