Album ReviewsAlternativeFolkReviews


Dungeon synth project CIEL have just put out their new album Ciel I. The project itself is part of a series of releases by Douves et Doloires, who creates music heavily focused on creating and telling the story of a Medieval journey, transporting the listener into the world of their favourite fantasy books, films, shows or games, allowing them to become their own protagonist.

This release focuses more on the ending of a journey, where the adventurers are heading home and will soon be surrounded by drink and friends. From the opening notes of Souns Un Ciel Radieux, you find yourself reminded and sent back into the world of fantasy RPGs, whether it’s somewhere like Skyrim or Baldur’s Gate or The Witcher, you can easily imagine your surroundings.

The opening song is rather calming, as said we are at the end of a journey, and now we’re on our way home to relax after a time of chaos and adrenaline. For this release there are two moods: joy and calm. The latter is reflected in the aforementioned opener, as well as Old Monolith and Meadow. There’s a peaceful feeling, but for several different reasons, the first being the knowledge in that the protagonists are now heading home, the second being reflection over the journey they’ve undertaken, and the final in preparing for the final journey back.

Meanwhile the other two songs – second track Ivy Remains and closer Tavern Song – are much more upbeat and warmer. The first song appears more as imagining what it would be like to finally walk into that cosy inn and be surrounded by friendly faces, whilst the final song captures the scene taking place, complete with ambient sounds of footsteps and voices. It’s the only time we hear spoken word where the band begins their song just as we walk in.

Ciel I is a comforting record to listen to if you’re one to enjoy Medieval fantasy. Whether you choose to play it as you’re reading a novel, as ambience for a tabletop game session, inspiration for your own story, or even just an escape from reality, this is a beautiful ambient album.

Rating: 8/10

Ciel I - Ciel

Ciel I is out now via Fiadh Productions.

Follow Douves et Doloires on Instagram.

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