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ALBUM REVIEW: Freakazoid – The Pink Spiders

Despite being named after what for many is a terrifying arachnid, THE PINK SPIDERS are anything but scary on their brand-new album Freakazoid. This is one of those records that is just different but in the best way possible.

Gold Confetti kicks off this latest offering and from the get-go it’s clear to see that this band not only have a knowledge of the rock scene but also that they have matured and polished their sound to deliver an insanely catchy track. It’s anthemic with a singalong chant and a high-energy feel that really gets the blood pumping. Next track Let’s Go Home was released as a single and is possibly the strongest of the whole album. It’s a little reflective but also honest and pretty optimistic. It’s a lot of different things and it works really well. The instrumental creates a really feel-good atmosphere over the entire track. Topped with a blistering solo, it sounds like it could be the closing song on a cheesy yet still great 80s teen flick. Bottom line is this track is awesome.

The introduction of the keys in Can’t Stop Letting You Down is a little change of pace but that’s not a bad thing. It actually pairs really well with the feel of the song as it’s self-reflective but not slow or sad. The track still sticks with the overall power pop identity that THE PINK SPIDERS employ on this album. Alternatively, Stoned To The Bone is a little bit more carefree sounding with a more laid back thrashy tone. It’s still a serious song however as it seems to be about drug use and being in not such a great place but it still sounds great and it doesn’t glamorise it in any way. Some effects are used that give the track a more polished feel but that doesn’t take away from it either.

College rock vibes ensue on Freakin’ Freakin’ Out with a sort of 90s feel on the guitar riffs with short phrasing. It’s a great track to get really into as it’s insanely catchy and a lot of fun. The vocals are a little higher and sound a little more excited in the chorus which kind of reflects the entire feel of the song. Baby I’m High follows which is another song that is kind of about drugs but not really. This mixes conventional rock instruments with a few effects that are more common perhaps in techno and they blend really well; it shouldn’t work but it does. The keys are actually a really nice addition to this track. It’s a liberating song with a positive message.

Cuttin’ Loose is one of the shorter songs but it doesn’t waste time in being awesome. The verses are a little low and subdued but the chorus takes flight with the higher vocals and feels a little reminiscent of PANIC! AT THE DISCO although it’s heavier with a more driven rock tone. It’s punchy and thunders and doesn’t let up. Closing on Right Note the band go back to basics. It’s not super complex, and there’s no heavy compelling message but that’s good as it’s the final track and they want to leave on the ‘Right Note’. There’s some really great guitar work here but especially from the bass as the hooks pair with the melody exceptionally. The outro really opens the throttle and it is the perfect rocky ending to a great album.

THE PINK SPIDERS really have something else with Freakazoid. It’s difficult to pigeonhole it as it blends conventional rock with power pop and a little bit of college rock thrown in for fun. Still, this sets them apart from all the generic rock bands in the scene at the moment. It’s hard not to fall in love with the hooks and catchy-as-hell melodies on display here. If this is how they sound, then all spiders should be pink.

Rating: 8/10

Freakazoid - The Pink Spiders

Freakazoid is set for release on July 7th via Pure Noise Records.

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