Album ReviewsBlack MetalProgressive MetalReviews


There really is nobody doing what ZEAL & ARDOR are accomplishing. They mix genres which on paper don’t necessarily sound like they would fit together but they achieve it emphatically. Their self-titled release in 2022 really put them on the map and now it’s time for them to push on from that success and take it to the next level. GREIF looks more than equipped for the task.

The Bird, The Lion And The Wildkin gets proceedings underway with a dramatic, multilayered introductory piece that whets your appetite. Fend You Off lures you in with an enticing lyrical rhythm. The almost acapella excerpts from Manuel Gagneux are stunning. Plentiful melodies and a sudden surge in heaviness towards the end impressively round off the track. Kilonova takes a darker, funkier twist that is undeniably alluring. Are You The Only One Now? opts for a more sombre, melancholic approach that could easily be found on mainstream radio. The accessible, subtle tones feel particularly cathartic. An unexpected burst of aggressive vocals sneak their way into the mix.

Go Home My Friend dishes out a brief, soulful interlude containing various elements of electronica that are completely swept aside by the ominous harshness of Clawing Out. The unpredictable time signatures put you on edge, wondering where the track is heading next. Disease also possesses a distinctly unpredictable nature, sprinkling little pockets of experimentation as it progresses. 369 offers up a brief but infectious chant that tees up the powderkeg of energy known as Thrill. Commanding drum beats ripple throughout as emphatic riff hooks boost the intensity.

Une Ville Vide provides an 80s-style synth vibe to cleanse the palate before the heavy grooves of Sugarcoat. Hefty bass lines lead the way as an array of vocal stylings are unleashed in meticulous fashion. Solace slows things down with tense piano sequences alongside another exemplary vocal performance. Hide In Shade implores you to get those dancing shoes on and bop along to its wild blend of melody and brutality. It’s rare that you see the first single closing out an album but ZEAL & ARDOR are not your usual orthodox band. To My Ilk is a beautiful piece of artistry that effortlessly immerses you in its radiant vibes.

While you won’t find as much raw savagery as the likes of Death To The Holy and Götterdämmerung on GREIF, you will continue to experience the brilliant level of craftmanship which has been so ridiculously consistent through ZEAL & ARDOR‘s catalogue. The poignant lyrical passages arguably hit just as hard alongside the sheer breadth of creativity you’ll find studiously poured into each chapter. Another “must-listen” in the cavernous backlogs of 2024.

Rating: 9/10

GREIF - Zeal & Ardor

GREIF is out now via self-release.

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