Album ReviewsPunkReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Luxury Apartments – Luxury Apartments

London-based punk outfit LUXURY APARTMENTS have just put out their self-titled debut album. The band themselves formed back in 2021, with their name being a satirical poke at the way “new architectural eyesores” are being built close to beloved historical buildings and venues that are on the verge of closing and being torn down. From the name and meaning alone, you’d have expectations of a loud punk album that angrily calls out the government and has you ready to start anarchy.

Well…at least it’s loud? Things do start out promising enough with the title track that opens the album with a fun combination of blues rock and 70s punk vibes, before switching quickly into a fast chaotic track with loud vocals to match. It’s messy but easy to love, especially at the end where we hear a recording of someone calling in to Universal Credit, complete with that dreadful, badly recorded music they make you listen to as you wait.

But sadly this is one of the few moments where there’s something unique about Luxury Apartments, as the remainder of the album feels a bit like one long song of the same sounds and vocals repeatedly. That’s not to say that it sounds bad, as it captures that vintage punk sound of the 70s and you can feel the band’s frustration at the way the world works, but it is also too easy to find yourself zoning out and not realising that one song has finished and another has started.

Granted, there are some unique moments where a new style is integrated, like in Energy where there’s surf vibes, or moments where you can picture a fun live performance, such as in Wire, and there are some songs with catchy lyrics, like in Out On The Streets. Outside of that though it’s the same composition and shouty vocals on repeat, and it’s dull. Oh wait, there’s another frustrating moment, or rather unpleasant surprise, where they bring in a different sound that just sounds bad, namely on White Horses which has an electronic opening that sounds horrible. Unless that was the intention, in that case…nope, still don’t like it.

Luxury Apartments is a frustratingly weak punk album that has all the energy and backstory that should result in something loud and unapologetic, yet it all falls flat. Maybe there’s hope for something better in the future, but after listening to this you might be put off of looking for more music down the line.

Rating: 5/10

Luxury Apartments - Luxury Apartments

Luxury Apartments is out now via Eeasy Records.


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