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ALBUM REVIEW: Monument Road – Quitter

Scottish singer-songwriter QUITTER is back with his latest album Monument Road. The record itself, in his words, is “yuck vs yum” with influences going in different directions from mid-western emo to noise rock to lo-fi, an intriguing combination that ultimately results in a beautiful catalogue of songs that are on the one hand melancholic yet on the other are calming and offer a glimpse of hope at the end of every hardship.

Opening with Penny Drop, listeners are greeted by a lo-fi intro of drum and bass that’s then joined by guitar, creating a calm effect for all who listen. Furthermore, the track has slightly out of focus production, reaffirming the idea of this being recorded in a bedroom, and offering a dreamlike quality that is simply lovely to listen to. The gentleness continues with Hey, Useless with its alt-rock style that, while sounding calm, covers the topic of indecisiveness in a slacker way.

That’s the beauty of this record, even in tracks that go over critical moments in life, whether it’s existentialism, contemplation on life decisions or just feelings of being lost in an ever-chaotic world, you find yourself at ease and with assurance that, somehow, everything will work itself out one way or another. A perfect example of this is with Open Sesame that introduces the first shift into dark and moody vibes with the use of deep sounding guitar effects. You find yourself picturing a rainy day where you’re stuck inside and perhaps in the middle of bed rotting as your mental health has once again kicked you when you’re down, so you may as well just lie there taking it all in…and you’re ok with that. Despite the feelings there’s something inside that tells you that the feeling won’t last and it’s ok to take it easy for the moment, and there’s peace in that. (We swear we’re ok!)

That’s not to say that the entire album focuses on the gloom, in fact there’s nostalgia and familiarity offered throughout in a way that brings a smile to your face. This is predominant during the more emo styled tracks, for example So Far So What immediately takes you back to the 00s era of emo, with artists like TAKING BACK SUNDAY coming to mind to bring you back to a simpler time and leave you feeling right at home.

More than anything, Monument Road needs to be heard to be fully experienced. It’s the perfect album to put on as you sit inside on a rainy day as a reminder that things won’t always be so gloomy.

Rating: 9/10

Monument Road - Quitter

Monument Road is set for release on September 22nd via Heavenly Creature / Gold Mold Records.

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