Album ReviewsAlternativeReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: News Of The Universe – La Luz

Alternative band LA LUZ have just released their latest album News Of The Universe. At first glance, this record appears to be one that creates feelings of pure bliss with calm sounds and enchanting vocals, but when you dive in and go through the lyrics, you find that the songs actually convey feelings of dread and talk about death. According to lead vocalist Shana Cleveland, there are moments that feel like a “last frantic confession before an asteroid destroys the earth.”

But while the lyrics and the meaning might be dark, the music itself feels ethereal and takes you away to a dream where everything is calm. Maybe it’s a reflection of one accepting death and the end of things? One thing you’ll always note with LA LUZ is just how beautiful everything sounds. It feels like every noise, every vocal, every little moment on News Of The Universe has been thought through to make sure it all sounds angelic. It sounds like everything, every feeling, every thought, even if juxtaposed between deeper and lighter topics, comes together harmoniously.

In a way, it’s hard to compare LA LUZ to anyone else. Sure, there are some artists you could name if you had to think of potential influences like BLONDIE or MITSKI, yet even then that might be stretching it. It’s actually easier to compare this album to a scenario; imagine you’re lying back in a grassy field, surrounded by flowers. You’re looking up at the sky, embracing the warm weather and watching clouds pass over you. You are at peace and free. That’s what listening to this album feels like.

Trying to describe what each song sounds like wouldn’t do them much justice outside of saying synonyms that all mean beautiful and calming. What we can do though is name some absolute highlights; there’s Strange World with its catchy drum beats and the way it perfectly summarises that BLONDIE meets MITSKI comparison; there’s the title track that starts out fast (in comparison to other songs) and then comes to a halt to a style that leaves you swaying along; and then there’s Always In Love, a pretty acoustic song that perfectly captures that image of lying in that field.

Ultimately, News Of The Universe is a beautiful album that leaves you in a state of bliss and calm, despite the chaos and harsh truths in its lyrics. Few words can really do it justice.

Rating: 8/10

News Of The Universe - La Luz

News Of The Universe is out now via Sub Pop.

Follow LA LUZ on Instagram.

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