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ALBUM REVIEW: Pro Xristoy – Rotting Christ

For nearly four decades, Greece’s ROTTING CHRIST have been at the forefront of the extreme metal movement. From their humble black metal origins in the form of 1993’s Thy Mighty Contract and 1994’s Non Serviam, through to recent gargantuan epics like 2016’s Rituals, the band helmed by brothers Sakis Tolis and Themis Tolis are undisputed legends of our scene. Now, five years after the excellent The HereticsROTTING CHRIST are back with album number 14, Pro Xristoy, and it is another excellent offering from the ever-reliable Greeks.

Those that have indulged in ROTTING CHRIST‘s recent output will find that Pro Xristoy very much continues with the sonic template the band have been exploring since 2010’s Aealo. Epic atmospheres that are tinged with the trademark sounds of Greek black metal? Check. Big, thumping riffs? Check. Huge sweeping passages? Check. In fact, Pro Xristoy could possibly be the most accessible ROTTING CHRIST record to date and one that would sit comfortably in the halls of arenas. The Apostate (which unfolds after the customary introductory title track) is trademark modern ROTTING CHRIST as a concoction of choral chanting vocals, melodic-leaning riffs and Sakis Tolis providing spoken words sets a truly epic atmosphere and poises the record nicely for what follows.

And indeed it is epic. Like Father, Like Son boasts a mid-tempo thump where the chugging riffs intertwine with bending guitar leads; The Sixth Day is brooding and utterly gorgeous in its execution through stunning lead guitar work that soars like a phoenix; and La Lettera Del Diavolo shows that the band haven’t lost their bite as a flurry of blast beats intertwines with frenzied riffing and an intriguing vocal display from Sakis Tolis that resembles a heretic preaching to all who are stood within earshot.

Pro Xristoy is jam-packed full of awe-inspiring and fist-raising moments and demonstrates the band’s reliability for producing top tier extreme metal. The Farewell oozes class with a swagger that feels like it was born for the big stage and has enough hooks to easily turn the head of the everyday hard rock fan; Pix Lax Dax swings and bends in a nice mid-tempo rhythm and the subtle pinch-harmonics are a really nice touch that pricks the ears; and Yggdrasil is a late-album highlight as the epic chanting mixes with the thumping percussion to bombastic effect. For long-time fans, Pro Xristoy will feel like business as usual but do not let that detract from the quality on offer here, it truly is a remarkable listen.

For nearly 40 years, ROTTING CHRIST have proven to be consistently excellent in delivering top class extreme metal and Pro Xristoy is no different. Building upon the foundations set by The Heretics, this new offering sees the Greeks continue to display their musical brilliance and potentially open their sonics to a much wider audience through an abundance of truly excellent hooks. If you like metal in any capacity, you will find something to love with Pro Xristoy.

Rating: 9/10

Pro Xristoy - Rotting Christ

Pro Xristou is set for release on May 24th via Season Of Mist.

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James Weaver

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Distorted Sound Magazine; established in 2015. Reporting on riffs since 2012.

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