Album ReviewsProgressive RockPsychedelic RockReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Retrieval – Sacri Monti

The ongoing California psych-rock movement has been incredibly good to those on the receiving end of it. HARSH TOKE, WAND, The Band Currently Known as OSEES; all jabbing at you on the tippy-top point of a very handily wielded spear. But to say that fellow state-sharers SACRI MONTI aren’t made for the same thrusting would be doing them a disservice. Two albums down, with 2019’s Waiting Room For The Magic Hour intensifying a spotlight that their self-titled debut deservedly swung their way, it was a matter of (too long a) time until they were back under it again.

In a shocking to no-one twist, progressive elements are the order of the day in third effort Retrieval. This makes lead track Maelstrom a pretty perfect picture to start out. It throws itself into being, painting bright, crisp colour all over a BLACK SABBATH-leaning bit of chuggery. The infusion of the crunchy, 70s undertones and that from-the-go energy that brings out the best of the two worlds and puts you under no illusion of SACRI MONTI’s game – psych by nostalgia.

This isn’t to say that the whole deal is stuck in the past. The band are notably technically proficient through and through, and Retrieval sees that set of skills put to use in their modernising of that classic sound. At points, it’s demonstrably classic – there’s plenty of room here for a game of “Spot The Direct Influence” – but it’s the how that exceeds the what for a third time here. Brackish/Honeycomb is their most playful effort, with jumpy time shifts in true jazz fashion and a sensational guitar section that flows like waves across the midsection. But the production and flourish is straight out of a modern chart track, making the funky elements shine brighter as a result. It showcases the little surprises that SACRI MONTI are capable of by seemingly deft amounts of effort.

It’s an album that rewards patience and, true to that spirit, it saves the best for last. More Than I is the sort of deeply charged finisher that wraps up everything that came before it into a complete package. It oozes the retro charm to the nth degree, a dazzling ZEPPELIN-style bluesy riff giving way to a low and slow treat right out of the era. The whole thing winds its way pleasingly around the structure of your ears and weighs down there; heavy, but comfortingly so, like a big old blanket that smells of somewhere familiar. It’s wonderful, emotionally prioritised stuff and acts as the capstone to an affair rich in both technical flair and grounded warmth.

In a word, Retrieval is gorgeous. In slightly more words, it’s a zenith point for SACRI MONTI, a band at the top of their game and seemingly with no ceiling to hit yet. It’s definitely lacking some original elements that made previous albums uniquely them, but, at this point, this mash of 70s styles is done so well that you wouldn’t be bold to call it theirs to show off. It’s their most mature and, conversely, beginner-friendly album to date, fitting of their old meets new ethos. But more than that, it gives newcomers a pitch-perfect introduction to the scene and oldheads another taste of one of the best bands doing it right now. Light up, lights down and exist in this for as long as the world lets you.

Rating: 9/10

Retrieval - Sacri Monti

Retrieval is out now via Tee Pee Records.

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