Album ReviewsBlack MetalReviews


Hot on the heels of last year’s brilliant Dypet, and the self-titled debut from his UDÅD project earlier this year, Thomas Eriksen proves that time waits for no man with another new MORK album in the form of the majestic and atmospheric Syv. Not only does this record demonstrate just how prolific Eriksen is – this is the seventh album from MORK for starters – but also that the material he releases is always of the highest quality.

An ominous intro on opening track I Tåkens Virvel sees MORK immediately sounding as fierce as ever but with an even more venomous atmosphere to proceedings to get Syv off to a storming start. The grooving stomp of second track Holmgang follows and definitely adds variety to proceedings, as do the heavily atmospheric folk stylings of Heksebål. These opening three tracks demonstrate exactly what makes the music of MORK so special: varied in sonic elements but tied together with the same macabre but empowering bleakness that defines the band, and the results are truly stunning.

From then on, as the album unfolds even further, Syv only amplifies the atmospheric tones and the album as a whole could undeniably be the strongest in MORK‘s catalogue. This really is saying something as tracks like Med Døden Til Følge, Ondt Blod and Tidens Tann amp up the heaviness but never tone down the special bleak vibe that hangs over the album like a domineering, cloaking shadow.

After the heavy duty Til Syvende Og Sist, Syv concludes on a mellow but affecting note with Omme, a calming piece of music that is still stirring and undeniably heavy in its own way and a flawless way to conclude this record. When it’s all over you can truly appreciate the majestic nature of MORK‘s music that is captured brilliantly in all nine of the tracks on Syv. Eriksen has a great talent for how he uses sound and ambience together to great effect and creates a sense of dread and fear but also a proper sense of grandeur and the tracks on Syv definitely exemplify this to a great degree, with the songs here transcending any notions of what MORK have done before and carving their own path, saluting the past but looking to the future as it were.

With this album, MORK have again delivered a grand and sweeping representation of the power of black metal, in their uniquely atmospheric way. As the band celebrates two decades as a musical force, this momentous anniversary is perfectly soundtracked by Syv and its vast sonic landscapes, as from start to finish this is MORK doing what they do best.

Rating: 8/10

Syv - Mork

Syv is out now via Peaceville Records.

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