Album ReviewsDeathcoreReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing – TURIN

UK deathcore bruisers TURIN have already achieved impressive heights during their years of operation, conquering the stages of Bloodstock Open AirUK Tech-Fest and Amplified. July 12th may prove to be the most pivotal date in their career so far as the release of upcoming album The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing via MNRK Heavy finally comes to fruition. Will this effort take them to the next level?

Envy summons a pulsating slab of atmospheric armed destruction to hit the ground running. Vicious vocals lead the charge, bringing in tow a mountain of monstrous riffing and machine-gun drum sequences. Abyssal proves to be just as menacing. Blackened tinges flow through its icy veins. The meticulous layering allows for every nuance of instrumentation to ring through its complex structure. I Am The Truth is laced with venomous intensity. Caustic vocal bursts and potent blast beats run rampant as haunting symphonic elements swarm around the periphery.

Apostate sends chills down your spine with its eerie opening segment. It doesn’t take long for another round of crushing ferocity to sink its teeth in. A whirlwind of wicked lead work amplifies the carnage. Ghost provides a brief but unnerving interlude, leaving you feeling like something is about to strike from behind the shadows. Before you know it Reflections pounces with pounding, unrelenting aggression.

The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing is as infectious as it is dangerous. Addictive hooks join forces with blistering drum beats to leave your head in a spin. Loss sustains the onslaught, introducing glimmers of alluring melody amongst the savagery. Hopeless Solutions chips away at what remains of your skull with its lethal blend of remorseless violence. A little pocket of respite is offered in the form of a section of clean vocals before reprising its brutality. Our Reality In Nothing dishes out one final volley of symphony-infused chaos before departing.

To stand out in the division of deathcore takes a distinct level of creativity and uniqueness to avoid falling into the deluge of bands trying to ride the wave of one of metal’s hottest rising genres. TURIN have certainly made a statement with The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing. Each track has its own individualistic spark that ensures the album is exhilarating from front to back. This effort will undoubtedly turn a few heads with its array of abrasive intensity which is so compelling that you can’t help but dive back in for another helping.

Rating: 9/10

The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing - TURIN

The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing is set for release on July 12th via MNRK Heavy.

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