Album ReviewsDeathcoreReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Unyielding Night – Assemble The Chariots

Finland’s ASSEMBLE THE CHARIOTS have been causing considerable rumblings in the underground metal scene with a smattering of tracks scattered over the last 15 years. Their alluring blend of symphonic-fuelled deathcore is guaranteed to turn a few heads, particularly with the surge in popularity of bands such as LORNA SHORE. At long last their debut full-length epic Unyielding Night is out now via Seek & Strike and is shaping up to be their breakthrough moment.

Aquilegia In Peril begins this journey on a dramatic note with an accompanying narrative that wouldn’t feel out of place in a cinema. Before you know it you are greeted by a wall of blast beats and opulent orchestral elements in the form of Departure. Harsh, abrasive vocals and swift riffing join the fray in this invigorating soundscape. Admorean Monolith commences with powerful bass lines and potent grooves as it confidently frolics through a variety of subgenres. Spikes of crushing aggression make their presence felt. As Was Seen By Augurers goes into overdrive as rapid-fire drum sequences create an immediate impact. The transitions between shrill screams, raspy vocal segments and hefty growls offer up an unpredictable listen.

Shimmering, Pulsing Glow introduces contemplative string arrangements alongside further narration that is swiftly brushed aside by the bludgeoning fury of Evermurk. Guttural ferocity and unrelenting riff sequences amplify the intensity levels. The introductory portion of Reavers March is comprised of particularly unnerving orchestration that leads the way for a savage instrumental onslaught. Impressive sweeping also has its share of the spotlight. 

Ephemeral Stream shifts the mood considerably, opting for a sombre piano performance and subtle vocal melodies that are melancholy but regeneratively calming. Emancipation hops aboard the blast beat train, battering a hole in anything within close proximity. Demonic vocals trade places with emphatic falsetto bursts. Keepers Of The Stars dishes out some catchy hooks that would compliment a side order of headbanging. Snappy kick drums and wild lead flourishes are added to the highlight reel. Empress ominously announces “Where there is light, there is always darkness” before ushering in a wave of furious chaos. The caustic screams are sharp enough to slice your skin from your bones.

Last Line Of Defence gears up for war, detailing the Aquilegian’s battle strategy which leads to the bellowing warhorn that opens Galactic Order. Theatricality and excitement fills the air with a wealth of orchestration and commanding vocal lines resembling a call to arms leading the charge. Equinox is a grand and fitting closer which ensures the vigour and energy is sustained until the very end.

Unyielding Night is an ambitious effort which may take multiple listens to fully digest. There are an abundance of layers to interrogate and explore, from the bruising death metal infused ferocity to the overarching conceptual plot and not forgetting the dynamic symphonies which accompany this voyage throughout. It is evident that this release has been crafted through countless hours of reflection, deliberation and finessing to reach the final product presented before you. It may have taken over a decade to achieve their full-length debut but it was certainly worth the wait.

Rating: 9/10

Unyielding Night - Assemble The Chariots

Unyielding Night is out now via Seek & Strike.


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