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ALBUM REVIEW: What Doesn’t Kill You – Marisa And The Moths

UK grunge rockers MARISA AND THE MOTHS have put out their second album What Doesn’t Kill You. For lead vocalist Marisa Rodriguez, this album is a reflection on a difficult time in her life that saw her finally leaving and overcoming an abusive relationship and the toll it took on her mental health. It’s a representation of finding the strength in the face of adversity, a fact that is clearly stated across each and every powerful song and brutally honest lyric.

Opening the album with Cursed, the first thing the listener hears is piano and violins, soon joined by strong vocals that draw immediate comparison to the likes of EVANESCENCE. Rodriguez, much like Amy Lee, has the skill to make you feel every word and emotion conveyed in the lyrics. There’s a stark contrast in sound when the album moves into Get It Off My Chest, which starts out with a distorted noise before the full band kicks into a grungy hard rock track with elements of nu-metal also brought in. And once the vocals come in, things shift into something more haunting and melodic, with easy comparisons to the likes of WITHIN TEMPTATION, FLYLEAF and LACUNA COIL coming to mind.

Things can go one of two ways with MARISA AND THE MOTHS. Either they sound truly haunting with dramatic piano and vocals, or aggressive with their blend of 90s/00s hard rock and grunge, but it’s the powerful vocals and lyrics that truly set them apart from other artists in the rock scene.

Each song on the album tells its own story and represents its own difficult topic but does so in a way that can resonate with you whether you can directly relate or not. Standout moments include, but are not limited to, Gaslight, a hard rock track that in a few years’ time could become a staple theme song when it comes to talking about emotional abuse, Fake It Till You Make It, that, as the title suggests, has you pumped and ready to face whatever comes you way, and regardless of what happens you now have that confidence to push through, and Serotonin, a raw and honest song that beautifully conveys the thoughts and feelings surrounding mental health.

What Doesn’t Kill You is a powerful album that will give anyone struggling the push and confidence they need to keep going. MARISA AND THE MOTHS are one of those rare bands that can make you feel what they feel and are likely to become an important name in the scene within the next few years.

Rating: 8/10

What Doesn't Kill You - Marisa And The Moths

What Doesn’t Kill You is out now via Tonesick Records Limited.

Like MARISA AND THE MOTHS on Facebook.

One thought on “ALBUM REVIEW: What Doesn’t Kill You – Marisa And The Moths

  • Marisa And The Moths new album ‘What Doesn’t Kill You’ produced by Pete Dowsett.

    This is absolutely a modern masterpiece. Reaching No 1 in the UK Rock Album Charts in the first week of release…

    Looking forward to seeing see these Moths really fly this Year! They are incredible!


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