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Amongst Liars: Empowerment And Rebirth

Following their 2022 self-titled debut album, AMONGST LIARS are preparing for the release of their second album, By Design. Frontman and lead vocalist Ian George shares that the band have been working on this album since their 2022 release, despite encountering some delays on the way. “We’ve pretty much had some tracks in process since [their 2022 release]. The album was written over a period of two years,” he says.

The band initially hit the studio in September and October 2022 and had about half the album completed by January 2023. However, they stalled due to some management and PR issues. “We were going to put a single out, but we held off,” Ian explains. During this pause, the band continued writing, and by mid-2023, they jumped back into the studio for their final sessions before releasing The Shameful – their first single from By Design.

AMONGST LIARS have decided to release a select number of singles to build momentum and encourage engagement before the album release. Following first single The Shameful with Ready For This?, Alibi, You Are Not A Slave, and Vice, Ian explains, “this approach ensures that people actually hear the songs rather than getting [By Design] and listening to the first two songs and then skipping everything else.” 

Collaborations have significantly influenced By Design, with the title track featuring FELIN, whom Ian lovingly describes as a “Swedish version of PINK.” He adds, “she’s got this kind of PINK attitude, she writes a lot about empowerment and she’s brilliant.” 

Ian describes the track as having an “EVANESCENCE kind of feel” and mentions that they’re planning to shoot a video for it, with FELIN having already filmed her parts in Sweden. This remote collaboration is a great example of how artists can use technology to work together, despite geographical barriers and the high costs involved in physically travelling. 

The band have also collaborated with Finnish band MOON SHOT, and Richie Hevanz of HEAVEN’S BASEMENT. “I love HEAVEN’S BASEMENT,” Ian says. “Dave, our producer, was Johnny Rocker from HEAVEN’S BASEMENT, so we’ve worked with him all this time.” 

Additionally, the band are in talks with DEAD POSEY and AYRON JONES for even more future collaborations. Ian highlights the variety of musical influences they aim to blend into their work. “There’s loads of stuff going on. We’re working out what we’re going to do with the release schedules, but we’re just literally throwing out as much as we possibly can. It’s really exciting.”

Lyrically, By Design is a multifaceted album touching on both personal and political themes. Ian describes it as “kind of a mix album, really some parts of what’s going on in my own personal space and the band’s space, and part of what’s going on in the world.” 

Tracks such as By Design and Vice delve into the topic of mental health, exploring depression and the struggle for personal strength. “We’ve been through quite a lot this year,” Ian explains. “I went through a very bad bout of depression, probably about seven or eight months ago, which triggered paranoia. I’ve had long COVID for a while as well, so Vice in particular lends itself to that.”

The other half of the album addresses broader societal issues: No Control critiques out-of-control political systems, while The Shameful tackles the cost-of-living crisis and the lack of support from those in power. Although AMONGST LIARS don’t necessarily want to label themselves as a political band, it’s clear that they aren’t afraid to shy away from commenting on the state of the modern world.

Their album artwork, designed by artist Pierre Engelbrecht, reflects these themes. Ian describes Engelbrecht‘s work as “a mix of surrealism and Dali-esque pieces” that complement the band’s sound. “He’s incredible,” Ian says. “I don’t just want to be a band that puts a song out; I want to be a band where you have the visual side of it too, and he’s just done everything for us.” It’s clear that the visual aspect of their music is crucial to the band, and it is true that having this visual side only enhances the overall listening experience, creating a much more immersive world.

Finding the perfect artist has helped the band consolidate their own identity, however, Ian notes that the financial reality of being a musician in post-Brexit, post-COVID, cost-of-living-crisis Britain is continuing to be challenging. 

“Being a musician, you pay for everything,” Ian explains, outlining the costs from recording and mastering songs to promoting them and touring. “I’ve seen loads of bands this year fold because of the sheer cost of doing it all. This album is gonna cost around £40,000 just to tour it properly and get it out there with all the videos.” 

The financial burden on musicians today is significant, and Ian‘s candid discussion about these challenges sheds light on the often unseen struggles within the music industry. It’s easy to forget what’s actually happening behind the scenes, so having these conversations is more important now than ever.

Despite these financial challenges, it’s clear that AMONGST LIARS continue to remain committed to their music. Ian explains that the band members have each spent around £6,000 for the release and subsequent touring of By Design, which is a massive commitment and one that requires full-time work on the side of their music. Without spending this money, the band wouldn’t be able to release the album in the way that they wanted.

Following the July release of the album, AMONGST LIARS are set to tour the UK over summer. However, Ian makes it clear that touring for them isn’t just about promoting the album, it’s about creating a real connection with fans and new listeners alike. The band recently toured France with AYRON JONES, which Ian describes as “insane”. 

Although touring post-Brexit has posed challenges, particularly regarding bureaucratic hurdles and financial burdens, Ian definitely remains dedicated to connecting with their European fans, especially in France where their music was received incredibly well. “We really want to get back there,” Ian emphasises. “They were going in cold to us, I suppose. And we just thought, ‘we just need to do what we do’, and we went out there and we opened with You Are Not A Slave thinking we’re either gonna clear the place, or people are gonna get into it, and they got into it! It was brilliant!”

Despite the difficulties with being a band in the modern age, it’s this dedication to their craft and their audience that continues to drive AMONGST LIARS forward.

By Design is out now via Earache Records. 

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