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EP REVIEW: Better Days – Roseneath

ROSENEATH could have continued with the same focus as their debut album, 2023’s Nowhere Safe, which looked at the terrifying state of the world. However, on its follow-up EP Better Days the Richmond duo look back in the way the title promises. With their unique blend of new wave, post-punk, synth-rock and alt rock, the band take the listener on a journey of nostalgia – rose-tinted glasses included.

The synth-rock of opener Bleed For You instantly recalls the halcyon days of the 1980s, and the production means that the laidback sound does not overwhelm the vocals. It does a great job of setting the tone of the EP, which continues in Video Games as the band directly address nostalgia. With its bass-heavy synth, this song builds upon the sound of the first track, even though the lyrics are notably a bit bleaker as the narrator describes “How the world weighs heavy on my head“, although there are moments of optimism scattered throughout.

The title track is a moodier rock song about wishing for better days, although the lyrics do get a little repetitive by the end, whereas closer Safe Where is a rockier song that still has some synths mixed in. It’s a nice full circle moment that ensures that the EP feels cohesive. Production wise, this EP is fantastic. Even though it is only four songs long, it sounds complete. ROSENEATH do well to gradually build towards the rockier sound of the final song, making the sonic change far less jarring because each song slowly moves towards that end goal.

Overall, ROSENEATH have shown that they are not a one-trick pony on Better Days, which further expands on their sound whilst also showing that sometimes less is more. This EP is a brilliant journey that slowly builds up to a fantastic full circle moment by the end. If you’re looking for a coherent, nostalgic, and fun EP to listen to, you can’t go wrong with this.

Rating: 9/10

Better Days - Roseneath

Better Days is set for release on May 31st via self-release.

Follow ROSENEATH on Instagram.

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