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EP REVIEW: Cloaked Climax Concealed – 0N0

Despite the title, Cloaked Climax Concealed isn’t strictly an EP release. What Slovakian metallers 0N0 have done is released two tracks via Transcending Obscurity Records that are acting as a precursor to a full-length affair that is due from this band, presumably later this year. The air of mystery that surrounds them is further shrouded by the members merely going by the letters Sand T and the fact that Slovakia isn’t a country with a lot of, if any, notable metal bands hailing from it. Still, that leaves the door wide open for 0N0 and the trio of undefined individuals to make a real name for themselves, and it all starts here.

The opening track, entitled The Crown Unknown, is an instant introduction to what 0N0 are as a band. There is an immediate confusion of noise, with drums standing out most against a disorientating backdrop of sludgy guitars and feedback. A nice touch is the guttural, death metal vocals supported by clean backings, which help give something to cling onto as the sound swirls around and makes for an overall difficult listen, which seems entirely the point given that the band are fully in on experimentation and combining various forms of industrial, doom and extreme metal recorded and mixed at ear-splitting volumes. Despite the two songs clocking in at a little over eleven minutes, the slow tempo tricks the mind into thinking The Crown Unknown is far longer than it actually is, adding to the unease and discomfort as a flurry of double kicks bring the song to a close.

The second and final number, entitled Hidden in the Trees (Sail This Wrecked Ship) starts steadier and kicks into a riff that is much more defined than anything on its predecessor. There are more moments where the passages go from quiet to loud and back, even if the respites are brief overall, which continue to emphasise how much both songs pull on the senses from one side to the other. Out of the pair, this song is certainly much easier to connect with as there is a more familiar structure, although whether that makes it more interesting is certainly a matter for debate, because 0N0 have brought the schizophrenic nature of The Crown Unknown down a couple of notches and subsequently lost a little of the manic whirlwind that embodies the former song so well. Additionally, whilst a welcome relief, the decision to fade Hidden in the Trees out is a curious one; it may have been better for it to stop abruptly to add a finishing touch to the overall experience.

Naturally, it’s quite hard to gauge exactly what 0N0 can deliver with such a small morsel of material on offer, but what is present is very intriguing and for those who can get on board with it – there will be plenty who can’t – it serves up a promising appetiser for that aforementioned album when it arrives. For now though, this is a solid taster with a lot of potential, but the proof will be when there’s more on show to delve into,

Rating: 6/10

Cloaked Climax Concealed is out now via Transcending Obscurity Records.

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