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EP REVIEW: Days – Callas

Cork trio CALLAS embrace a dreamlike quality on their three-track debut EP Days. The band don’t shy away from hard topics, such as loss and despair, but also show that there is a light in the dark and that rebirth is possible.

Across three songs, CALLAS pull the listener in different directions. Whilst the opening title track is a slow-paced rock song that makes the most of its four-minute runtime, Sunlight which follows it is a slow-paced guitar-driven song, and closer Porous is a sombre instrumental-heavy song that also incorporates some electronics that are mixed in as well. Even though the EP has a total runtime of 11 minutes, and all of the songs are relatively slow-paced, each track has its own individual sound, which makes them distinct and allows the band to show off different sides to themselves.

On the other hand, Days‘ slow pace can mean it drags a little at times, especially during Sunlight, and the EP does end a little quickly, so it might’ve benefited from an extra song. However, this is still early days for the band, so it is possible that they are keeping their cards close to their chests for future releases. This EP proves that they have a lot of potential and a very bright future ahead of them.

Overall, this is a fantastic start in the career of CALLAS, who are quickly proving to be a unique band. It is clear that they are playing by their own rules, and Days does something that not many EPs do: it shows the audience who the band are whilst not revealing everything. Although the EP isn’t perfect as its slow pace does drag a little midway through, and it could have done with an extra song to bring it to a complete close, it is still early days for the band. Their dreamlike, ambient sound lures the listener in like a siren, and CALLAS are only going to get better from here as they build upon a sound that is truly their own. They are definitely a name to watch.

Rating: 8/10

Days - Callas

Days is out now via self-release.

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