EP ReviewsMetalcorePost-HardcoreReviews

EP REVIEW: Ghosts – Fly Over States

Post-hardcore, screamo and metalcore are extremely broad genres, and Montana quartet FLY OVER STATES do them all so well. Even though they have only been a band since 2023, they have already released one EP, titled Anti-Aircraft. Its follow-up, Ghosts, comprises four tracks and tells the story of work-place related accidents and how the societal emphasis on working puts workers in those situations, as well as having a focus on mental health. It also showcases the best that vocalist/rhythm guitarist Gunnar Stephan, lead guitarist Trevin Baker, bassist Caleb Haynes and drummer Jax Sutton have to offer.

Even though all the songs are under three minutes, FLY OVER STATES make every second count. Whether it is the fast-paced screamo of opener Horsefly, whose vocals pack a hard punch and which features an extended instrumental introduction into a minute and 52-second runtime, the old-school post-hardcore sound of 40 Stripes Minus One, or the guitar-driven Exits, which even has some singing thrown in as a welcome break from the screaming, this EP is smooth and no song outstays its welcome.

Closer Slingshot is a guitar-driven metalcore number that relies more on singing than screaming. This showcases a newer side to FLY OVER STATES, whilst also maintaining their core sound. As a whole, Ghosts doesn’t feel rushed despite its short length, with the production allowing each song to seamlessly transition into the next, whilst also retaining its own identity. It also allows the EP to have a cohesive sound.

Overall, Ghosts is a fantastic EP that shows why FLY OVER STATES are a great post-hardcore/screamo/metalcore/whatever-you-want-to-call-them band. Whether it is the fantastic instruments, the brilliant unclean vocals or the wonderful singing, the band pull you in different directions, and you never know where it’s heading next.

Rating: 9/10

Ghosts - Fly Over States

Ghosts is set for release on May 24th via Fever Ltd.. 

Follow FLY OVER STATES on Instagram.

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