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EP REVIEW: Give An Inch – Laura Jane Grace & The Mississippi Medicals

Mere months after the release of her latest album Hole In My Head, the legendary punk that is LAURA JANE GRACE is back with a brand new EP, this time with backing band THE MISSISSIPPI MEDICALS. Give An Inch works almost as a prelude to Hole In My Head, with infectious ear worms filling the short space of time that it lasts. The AGAINST ME! front person has shown once again why she’s one of the most revered artists working in the punk scene today. 

Opening the EP is RazorBlade Blues, a delightful rockabilly sounding track that sets the scene of driving down long open roads throughout America in your mind perfectly. Like the majority of the songs on this EP, the track itself lasts only 90 seconds, but not a second is wasted. A simple yet sumptuous bass line helps to guide the song alongside a great rolling snare sound, and the lead guitar brings everything together to complete the country vibe. Grace’s vocals fit this style of music perfectly as they help to bring in a moody and almost dark style to the song. By the end, you’ll be clad in a cowboy hat ready to embrace the outlaw lifestyle this song would easily be the soundtrack for.

Up next is Hoka Hoka – One One, which continues the country vibe of the EP. A song fit for driving down Route 66, you can easily picture this being played in a bar like that scene in the Blues Brothers to crowds full of blue collar working class folk. Musically, it’s not too dissimilar to the previous song, however it does have a rhythm to it that is almost impossible to keep still to. Maybe try your two step dancing skills whilst playing this one loud. 

All Fucked Out slows things down but is able to keep the general vibe of Give An Inch in place. The slow drawl of the guitar throughout with the slow bass tones give the feel of things not being in full control and give the impression that everything is teetering on the edge of being fine but could easily fall into some style of madness at a moment’s notice. Vocally, it’s a great performance from Grace once more as you can feel the frustration and exasperation in her voice throughout. Following this is Karma Too Close which opts for a punkier style. It has an almost BUZZCOCKS sound to it, particularly Ever Fallen In Love (With Someone You Shouldn’t’ve), with its distorted sounding riff being the song’s main hook that guides you through it. 

Fuck You Just Because brings us right back to the country sound with a cathartic chorus that is basically shouting “FUCK YOU” to everyone, which at times we all feel like we can do. It’s a funny track and like the rest of the EP it’s short and sweet and will definitely be a great song to sing along to in a live setting, arm in arm with your fellow punks. Closing out the EP is M*A*S*H. It feels like all the tracks that came before it are culminating in one big song that works as an ode to country and folk acts such as JOHNNY CASH and BOB DYLAN whilst still maintaining the punk attitude that has featured throughout the EP. It has a maniacal feel to it with lots of hooting and hollering in the background and some fairly chaotic sounding instruments. 

Overall, this is a solid EP. It’s a demonstration of LAURA JANE GRACE being unafraid to break new ground with her music and offer something a little different. It works great as an EP but anything longer would have probably outstayed its welcome. It’s a shame it didn’t come out at the start of summer as it would have provided great drinking tunes in hot weather kinds of vibes. Whilst it isn’t anything groundbreaking, it’s a well natured listen that will make your day better for having heard it.

Rating: 7/10

Give An Inch - Laura Jane Grace & The Mississippi Medicals

Give An Inch is set for release on September 6th via Dial Back Sound.

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