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EP REVIEW: The Sleeping Sun – Worm Shepherd

Critics and fans alike were full of praise for Ritual Hymns, 2022’s offering from WORM SHEPHERD. Full of symphonic deathcore filth that penetrated the soul and the senses, but somehow was a little overlooked, perhaps due to the hype surrounding LORNA SHORE’s Pain Remains.

Those that did consume it, were no doubt clamouring for more and with The Sleeping Sun EP, the band delivers. These five tracks continue where Ritual Hymns left off, however, there are a few moments of growth for the band within.  

Kicking things off with The Frozen Lake Part II (The Ruined) and this may be the band’s finest moment to date. There’s an eerie plodding intro that eventually descends into cinematic chaos. The orchestral chorus soars with unrelenting power before it gives way to a moment of respite. That is until vocalist Devon Duarte lets fly with one of the most ridiculous growled vocal deliveries in recent memory. By the time you reach the track’s breathtaking conclusion, you’ll no doubt have chills down your spine. Moments of clarity in the mayhem make this track hauntingly beautiful. The final breakdown though is enough to topple cities.

The Broken Earth’s electronic intro is an intriguing change of pace and builds steadily until business is resumed. It’s easily one of the band’s most melodic songs to date but it’s still absolutely devasting. Guitarist Tre Perdue claimed he wanted each song to showcase something new to the band while retaining their signature sound and so far he’s been spot on with that.

The Tortured Path slows things down considerably with a heavy dragging riff that is reminiscent of the forgotten deathcore mob, BLACK TONGUE. Showcasing that the band can bring the heaviness at just about any speed seems to be part of the EP’s USP. The doom/sludge elements in this track call for the slowest headbanging moments. You can truly feel the weight of this one, sitting on your chest and not letting up.

The Dying Heavens opens the gates with Heaven still being very much alive. The choir chants angelically and builds the intro before hell eventually floods in. While the first three quarters of this track is WORM SHEPHERD doing their thing, the ending with the introduction of clean vocals is a stroke of genius. It fits perfectly with the style of the track and the emotion behind the track. Devon’s low slightly mumbled tones are soaked in desperation and darkness.

The track bleeds seamlessly into the final number, The Parting Sea. It’s another slower-tempo song that features another pulverizing riff and a short clean vocal section. The final breakdown is one of pure destruction that surrounds a catchy but weighty riff that eventually fades to end the EP.

WORM SHEPHERD continues their ascent to the summit of Mount deathcore. The Sleeping Sun is another chunk of emotionally charged symphonic deathcore but the band show they aren’t set in their ways and can try new things to help build their core sound.

Rating: 8/10

The Sleeping Sun - Worm Shepherd

The Sleeping Sun is set for release on August 18th via Unique Leader Records.

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