EP ReviewsHard RockReviews

EP REVIEW: The Space Camaro – Dead Karma

DEAD KARMA were originally meant to be a stoner rock band when they formed in 2022, but during the making of their debut EP The Space Camaro they found that each of their individual musical influences blended together to create a lot of different styles whilst also having an overarching hard rock sound. After a line-up change in October 2023, the trio are ready to introduce themselves to the world.

The Purge opens the EP with an infectious guitar hook before the rest of the band come in. It’s a great hard rock song whose last minute and a half is dedicated to a guitar solo that leads nicely into the title track. Each song works very well to form a coherent sound, which is often hard to do on a debut body of work, though this does also come at the detriment of the individuality of the songs. Whilst they sound great all together, there isn’t anything distinctive about them on their own. But this is still early days for the band, so they still have plenty of time to improve things.

And regardless, DEAD KARMA have definitely nailed down the genre of hard rock. The EP has a steady, medium pace, its four tracks ranging between the five to seven-minute mark to even things out and ensure that the record doesn’t feel too short.

Overall, The Space Camaro is a strong debut that succeeds in establishing DEAD KARMA as an exciting new addition to the hard rock genre. The coherent sound of the EP is very impressive for a debut and it shows that the band are already established in their sound. Whilst the songs don’t quite have the same impact on an individual level, this is still the band’s debut, so they have a lot of time to improve. This is a very impressive debut EP, and whilst it isn’t perfect, it shows that the future is very bright for DEAD KARMA.

Rating: 8/10

Dead Karma - The Space Camaro

The Space Camaro is out now via self-release.

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