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EP REVIEW: This Hell Goes A Long Way Down – WREX

Two creative people meeting unexpectedly on a night out might sound like the start of a Hollywood film, but it really happened for former-band-member-turned-producer George Donoghue and fledgling songwriter Mae Seaton, who created WREX a few years after that first meeting. Their latest EP, This Hell Goes A Long Way Down, doesn’t hold back when discussing serious topics, including deep-seated childhood trauma and the suffocation of social media.

Take A Walk starts with an electronic-beat mixed with heavy instrumentals. WREX don’t conform when it comes to genre; they jump about between pop, trance, nu-metal, and numerous other genres to create a smooth, out-of-the-box EP. For example, whilst the aforementioned Take A Walk is an electronic-rock song, Heaven’s Gate wouldn’t sound out of place at a rave as its trance beat makes the band sound unrecognisable in the best way. They slip into each genre as if they’re chameleons.

Penultimate track Shallow is a slower one, but this just shows that WREX do not limit themselves to high-energy songs. The overall pacing of the record is not affected, as the energy picks up during the appropriately-titled final track The End, which is another rock song. With six songs to enjoy here, the EP feels fleshed out and complete, and by sticking within the broad wheelhouses of electronic music and rock the band are able to genre-hop without overwhelming the listener.

Overall, This Hell Goes A Long Way Down is a great EP which showcases the talent of a fantastic new band who clearly know what they want. Even though each song is different, the EP works very well as it is cohesive and each song work both individually and as part of a whole. It’s not so long that the audience feel bogged down by the number of songs, but it’s also not so short that it sounds unfinished. WREX have a very bright future ahead of them.

Rating: 9/10

This Hell Goes A Long Way Down - WREX

This Hell Goes A Long Way Down is out now via self-release.

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