Death MetalQ+A Interviews

INTERVIEW: Johnny Hedlund – Unleashed

American thrash metal has METALLICAMEGADETHSLAYER and ANTHRAX. Norwegian black metal has DARKTHRONEIMMORTALMAYHEM and EMPEROR. The Swedish death metal scene has GRAVEDISMEMBERENTOMBED and, of course, UNLEASHED. Still energised from the success of their 2015 opus Dawn Of The Nine, 2018 sees UNLEASHED return with their 13th full length, THE HUNT FOR WHITE CHRIST. We managed to catch up with UNLEASHED‘s legendary front-man Johnny Hedlund to discuss the new record, the trials of being a live focused band while maintaining a day job and a family, and the incredible story that has run through the last four UNLEASHED records, centred on an in-progress book authored by Hedlund.

Hey Johnny, thank you for taking the time to talk with Distorted Sound. With the release of The Hunt For White Christ drawing ever closer, how are things going in the UNLEASHED camp at the moment? 

Johnny: All good here, thank you! We are naturally very anxious right about now to see what people think of the new album. Exciting times ahead indeed. Some festivals coming up soon as well in Canada, Germany, Brasil and Chile. [Quebec DeathfestSchlacht um OtzenhausenExtreme Hate Festival and Inferno Fest, respectively.]

Three and a half years have passed since the release of Dawn Of The Nine. How was that album cycle for you? 

Johnny: Well it might just have been the longest in a while. But I think we worked pretty much the way we normally do. Other things got in the way so to speak and therefore things took some more time. Parenthood and such can do that to you [laughs]. But rightfully so.

UNLEASHED returned to Chrome Studios for The Hunt For White Christ. Is there every any issues with Fredrik contributing to the song writing and being the producer, or does having a producer within the band make things easier to achieve your vision for the record?

Johnny: There are only positive things about that. The better he gets at at all things production, the better for the band in general. I’d also say that we have a very well developed way to work now within the band when it comes tot he creating process of lyrics and of music. Very smooth indeed so there is nothing about it I would change really.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I believe the last four UNLEASHED albums – As Yggdrasil Trembles, Odalheim, Dawn Of The Nine and The Hunt For White Christ – are all concept albums based on a book you have been writing called The World Of Odalheim. Can you walk us through the story running through these albums?

Johnny: True. OK well in short then; As Yggdrasil Trembles – this is where things started, and with the three first songs on the album that described the beginning of the story-line. These three songs represents what initially was of utmost importance before the coming of the Fimbulwinter. Namely to be prepared for it. The Midgard Warriors realised this, and early on. And as Yggdrasil did tremble, they were already prepared for the three years of lasting cold and the darkness. But anyhow, then comes the Fimbulwinter, followed by Ragnarök which is the end of the world as we know it. From the ashes of the old world rises Odalheim

The new world of Odalheim is what you can expect (if you are old enough to have experienced such amazing movies like “Mad Max“ for example) of a post apocalyptic world where only the strong will survive. The Midgard Warriors still standing strong due to the preparations made before the Fimbulwinter but also the fact that they have held on to the Viking traditions and values for generations. Striving towards the highest ideal through life in general and always taking responsibility for family and kin has made them sustainable towards what would inevitably appear on the black horizon. Their main enemy is White Christ, consisting of mostly Judeo-Christian believers but also others. They are a constant threat to the Midgard Warriors survival and way of life. The Midgard Warriors decide to gather the Hammer Battalions all over the world for a final battle of Odalheim. A great quest to save what can be saved and with the aim to start anew. The final battle stands on Svithiod soil (present-day Sweden). The battle rages and when a third force enter the battle, things start to go sideways for both the Midgard Warriors and the armies of White Christ. White Christ flee to the south, and the ever so brave Hammer Battalions are forced to retreat.

The story then continues as the Midgard Warriors rebuild some of their former strength, which takes a considerable amount of time. But there is no other way. The only way is to face the defeat and come back even stronger next time. What is at stake here is not only their way of life but life itself. When things seem to be almost impossible, they hold on tight to their ideals and Blot [sacrifice] to the Gods for power and strength and fort he survival of their kin. It is thus very real for the Viking Warriors that they need to swear the Nine on the Hammer to face the new dawn. The Dawn Of The Nine are the virtues a true Viking Warrior need to be able to face the horrors of the new world. And the battles yet to come. The Midgard Warriors struggle to take back Svithiod and the Nordic region, land by land. And they succeed in doing so. Led by the Son of Thor, the Midgard Warriors return victorious to Folkland shores and the people hail their new leader.

On the new album, and while the Son of Thor is greeted on his return through lake Mälaren on the victorious quest to save the Nordic Region. Things happen in the south. Scattered and not yet defeated armies of White Christ attack the villages in the south. And since most men and armed women are up north on the big quest, the villages contains mostly old people, children and unarmed women. Needless to say it is an easy win for White Christ. But they want more then just a win. They rape, dismember, kill and burn everyone in the village. And as the Midgard Warriors arrive at the scene it is already too late. This is the exact moment of the album cover art work for The Hunt For White Christ. The Midgard Warriors need to take a fast decision. If White Christ can do this, what comes next? So they raise the runic letter G over the village for Blot to the dead and for victory in the coming war. And as a sign of the ultimate act of man – to give, without expecting something in return. The Midgard Warriors stand ready to give their life for family and kin. And so the hunt begins…The Hunt For White Christ. The quest then continues through the wasteland of Germania and down south to the land of Jorsala, the home of White Christ (present-day Jerusalem). Taking the fight to them for a change seems to be the thing to do, and in the end, the battle stands by the Western wall…

It’s a bit early to be thinking about UNLEASHED’s 14th album, but will The World Of Odalheim concept continue into the next album, or is the story now complete?

Johnny: It will continue for sure. There is a lot more where this came from so to speak. And since every song is a fragment of a chapter of the original book story there is much more before we are even close to an end.

I’m wondering if you could give us a progress update on The World Of Odalheim? Do you have a release date in mind?

Johnny: To be perfectly honest time is just not on my side here. Parenthood and much else came in the way and I am not really on schedule about the book. That is why I figured at the very least it would do well for UNLEASHED but in song format then. We shall see, but right now I just have to put that on halt unfortunately.

In the early days of the Stockholm scene, when you were in NIHILIST originally, and then when UNLEASHED was coming up with ENTOMBED, GRAVE and DISMEMBER, was there a feeling that you were a part of a genre-defining movement and onto something special?

Johnny: I think it was really. Well, we were off course influenced by all the bands we listened to as well so it wasn’t until a few years later I realised we actually had a special thing going up here in the cold forests of Sweden.

UNLEASHED has always celebrated Scandinavian heritage in the lyrics – and even though the last four albums have been based on your own work of fiction, from what I can gather there’s a lot of real-world history in there as well. Do you struggle with researching the history you are influenced by, given the lack of written Pre-Christian records?

Johnny: Correct! Much of the story-line of Odalheim has its influence from things that happen today, and what I think it will emerge to in the future. So yes, there is a lot of things that actually can change along the road so to speak. Which actually fascinates the hell out of me at times. The world of Odalheim is a future post-apocalyptic world that not only comes from today’s pain and suffering in the world but it is also like a film, a movie that keeps playing in my head when I least expect it. So, you can imagine that even if I did write something in a chapter that is done already…that can easily change [laughs].

UNLEASHED has its 30th anniversary in 2019 – do you have any plans to celebrate the anniversary?

Johnny: Yes we do, there will be a few surprises for sure but I can’t give you any details just yet.

You played at Lords Of The Land in Glasgow earlier this year, which was your first UK show in a good few years. How was it to play to a Scottish crowd again? Can we hope for a return to Scotland, and the UK as a whole, for some headline shows during The Hunt For White Christ’s touring cycle?

Johnny: I most definitely hope so! We had a great time in Scotland. Too short though – I should hope to do some real touristing next time around. And as far as touring goes there is no UK tour planned as we speak but if we get a reasonable offer we would love to come back, and rather sooner than later for sure.

You’ve got a few festivals booked for the rest of 2018 and into 2019, but no tours announced as of yet. What touring plans do you have in support of the new record?

Johnny: We mostly book festivals. Mostly due to the problems with time away from family and work etc. Now, we are hoping to book shorter runs and perhaps that would be the thing to do to be able to play more. But we are talking about this now, so let’s see what happens.

And what tracks from The Hunt For White Christ are you particularly excited to debut live?

Johnny: I am not totally sure yet but the first track Lead Us Into War should most likely be one of them, the title track perhaps. We are not done talking about this yet, so perhaps I should keep this to myself!

Thanks again for taking the time to chat with us Johnny. Before I let you go, do you have any parting messages for our readers?

Johnny: Thanks a lot for the interview! And hope to see you soon on a show or a festival! Hail Odin!

The Hunt For White Christ is set for release October 26th via Napalm Records. 

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