

When discussions are opened about the genre of mathcore and the artists which helped it make such an emphatic impact its difficult not to lean towards the incomparable legacy of THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN and the gaping void they left behind when they chose to hang up their instruments of chaos. With this aching sense of absence is a glowing opportunity for the new wave of talent to make their presence felt. One collective in particular that is paving their own relentless path of anarchy and destruction is Hull based trio 99% COBRA.

“We met late 2017/early 2018 and started writing songs under the name VEXED, which is funnily enough now a band completely unrelated to us” jokes frontman Robert Kirk. “As we progressed we began writing songs influenced by the likes of DILLINGER and EVERY TIME I DIE and this felt like a much better fit for us. 99% COBRA was one of a few names we had in mind and we liked how unique it was so stuck with that.”

In such a short time the three piece have already made waves of seismic proportions with their live shows being packed to the brim with explosive energy and chaotic antics, one instance in particular being their after-party performance at UK Tech Fest where bassist Harry ran around the hangar like a man possessed, clambered on top of any piece of furniture available then proceeded to vomit instantly afterwards. Their exuberance and craziness also spills over into their music videos. Whether in the form of sacrificing a toy sheep whilst donning black metal make up or prancing around in wigs and tracksuits the band don’t take themselves too seriously and this level of humour has earned them a particular level of endearment with their fans. The music entailed however is strictly professional and is the audible equivalent of a powder keg ready to ignite in your face.

“We usually just write whatever we are vibing with at the time. Harry writes the bulk of the material and I contribute lead parts and do the necessary arranging before we get our drummer Lewis involved” states Rob. “He configures all the drums on his computer and once we have the backbone of the arrangement I will write all the lyrics”.

Their most recent track Lust & Fear depicts the band in their most visceral form to date with a frenzied assault on all of your senses. Rapid, eccentric drumming joins forces with bludgeoning riffing and skin searing vocal blasts leaving us champing at the bit to see where this endeavour will lead them next. “The response for this track has been astounding” declares Rob. “We couldn’t have had a better reaction and Lust & Fear is the direction we are wanting to take 99% COBRA going forward so we’re glad everyone is enjoying it. We promoted the release with a private Instagram and it worked very well, we got a lot of engagement and people were getting involved and interacting so it could be something we can potentially utilise in future. We recorded another song at the same time as Lust & Fear but we are not sure when we will be releasing this at the moment”.

99% COBRA were due to hit the road as a part of the Kerrang! Fresh Blood Tour alongside PENGSHUi to promote the release of Lust & Fear but due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic this tour was postponed. “Thankfully most of the shows which were cancelled have been rescheduled” explains Rob. “We are just waiting on further information before we can make any announcements. We’re all missing playing shows but we have some content available to use on our social media platforms so keep an eye out for those going forward!”

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