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LIVE REVIEW: Resolve @ Rebellion, Manchester

It is not very common that acts from mainland Europe blow up in the UK and take the scene by storm for one reason or another, with some notable outliers to this. French modern metallers RESOLVE are looking to be the next act to blow up with their contagious mix of pop hooks and crushing breakdowns. Brining their latest masterpiece in 2023’s Human on a European tour at last, it’s time for the four piece to put their money where their mouth is.

Half Me live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson
Half Me live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson

First to the plate are crushing hardcore unit HALF ME hailing from Germany, with demolishing riffs and grooves that pummel and pull you. Vocalist Christopher Zülcke screams hurt your throat just to hear, with a serrated edge to them that is some feat to maintain for a whole set. The hardcore fans are in for a treat in this set, with a handful of two steppers and crowd killers taking the justified opportunity to throw limbs through the masterfully organised chaos, interspersed with cleans that are somewhat unexpected but offer brief release from the otherwise beating aggression. Bassist Tobias Sajons acts a mysterious character pulling poses and getting up in the faces of the crowd to build the hype in the front rows. The absolute bruising set has bodies and limbs thrown throughout, and HALF ME will certainly want to come back soon if this is the responses they can get.

Rating: 8/10

Acres live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson
Acres live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson

Next up are modern hard rockers ACRES with their arena ready anthems chock full of hooks and groovy half time riffs. They are undoubtedly the softest band on the bill, with the crowd knowing this and dissolving the pit space favouring proximity to the group. Recent single A Different Shade Of Misery throws a spanner in the works with a chunky low riff and incites their first pits of the set, and there are clearly a few fans in the room who singalong with the hooky choruses, much to the delight of vocalist Ben Lumber. The dynamic rockers dart through their set with frequent shifts in aggression and feel all glossed over with a polished sheen and depart to a solid reception.

Rating: 7/10

Cane Hill live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson
Cane Hill live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson

Next up, almost as hotly anticipated as tonight’s headliners are self-described swamp metallers CANE HILL, who return to the UK for the first time in five years fresh off the back of dropping two singles last month. The aggressive four-piece waste no time launching into gut punching grooves and monster shredding and pounding riffs with tracks like Power Of The High showing them as an unflinching unit, counterpointed by more melodic offerings such as Blood & Honey which show the arena sized hooks that vocalist Elijah Witt has stored in his locker. Unreleased track Fade enters us into what Witt anoints the “sexy era of the set”, with his light-hearted jovial banter between songs a frequent endearing quality for the four-piece. Lauding the 5-year gap between visits over the room as an incitement for energy is a success, earning what can nearly be described as a crowd surfer and colossal pits for set ender and fan favourite Too Far Gone. CANE HILLS’ long-awaited return to the UK sees them receiving a headliner’s reception, and hopefully the wait for their next return won’t be quite so long.

Rating: 9/10

Resolve live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson
Resolve live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson

At last the time for the polished modern metal force of RESOLVE to return to the stage that by now they must know well, having played at Rebellion four times over the last two years. Opening with tour and album title track Human they launch headfirst into their low punching modern metal riffs with wide ranging vocals from singer Anthony Diliberto, launching between low growls, high fry’s and nearing of virtuosic cleans with a clear pop sensibility to his melodies. Diliberto takes frequent moments between his belts showing a sincere level of gratitude to every soul in the room, frequently looking moved by the response to their music. Fan favourite Death Awaits only increases their connection more with constant arms raised as well as racing into a sweaty circle pit.

Dropping the energy a tad for the emotional In Stone is an especially endearing moment for the four piece with Diliberto taking up guitar duties for the swaying ballad, even playing an emotive solo between his impressive hooks. The rest of the band are an accomplished unit, shredding and grooving faultlessly in what is a display of pristine modern metal with frequent time shifts and feel leaps that has the whole room headbanging and swaying along in between the crushing riffs.

Resolve live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson
Resolve live @ Rebellion, Manchester. Photo Credit: Jess Robinson

A set ending run in of Seasick Sailor Of Silk And Straw into the anthemic New Colours is a sequence which any group would be jealous of, ram-packed with moshing, a wall of death counted into in their native French and fervent singalongs, most notably for the chorus Oh’s of the latter leaving Diliberto and bassist Robin Mariat visibly moved having a moment together following the crowd overhauled hook of “rather fail together, than triumph alone”.

Diliberto returns alone for the aggressive rap verses of encore Older Days before being joined for the belting riff. Following the pummelling breakdown and final hooking choruses with a sea of arms raised RESOLVE have shown themselves as worthy headliners, with a setlist that was as dynamic as well received. As far as modern polished metal goes, there is simply scarcely anyone doing it better than the French four piece. Promising to return as many times as necessary to sell this venue out, and by their ability we are certain it won’t take many more attempts.

Rating: 9/10

Check out our photo gallery from the night’s action in Manchester from Jess Robinson here: 

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