
PREMIERE: Swimming With Sharks – Polar

We here at Distorted Sound are proud to pleased to premiere the new music video from POLAR!

The new music video, for the track Swimming With Sharks, is the brand new single from the UK post-hardcore band and follows on from their previous single, We Won’t Sleep, which was released last month. We are proud to give the new music video its official premiere.

Speaking about the new song, vocalist Adam Woodford tells us, “the lyrical concept of this song came to me early on after the band went through its lineup change. It was a very low and weak moment for me and the band – honestly there was a shared view of hoping that the band wouldn’t survive, and continuation had left the band wide open to be torn apart. It was such a raw and deep feeling for me, and I wanted to convey this lyrically in a song. I used the imagery that the band was an injured person in the abyss of the ocean being pursued by sharks as they can smell my blood waiting for its time to attack. The song has a feel of desperation and the determination to survive before you are swallowed whole.”

Watch the official music video for Swimming With Sharks exclusively here: 

For more information on POLAR like their official page on Facebook.

James Weaver

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Distorted Sound Magazine; established in 2015. Reporting on riffs since 2012.

One thought on “PREMIERE: Swimming With Sharks – Polar

  • Anonymous

    wow this is a good suprise!


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