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Turin: The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing

The UK continues to be a hotbed for rising talent in the rock and metal world. The underground scene is thriving, packed to the rafters with hungry, determined musicians ready to take their art as far as it can go. TURIN have more than earned their stripes, building up their profile by supporting bands such as INGESTED, HEART OF A COWARD and WITHIN DESTRUCTION to name but a few. Formerly known as THIS IS TURIN they felt it appropriate to rebrand to coincide with this exciting new chapter. 2024 is shaping up to be a very promising year for the quintet. 

“The original plan was to release the album earlier on this year but we realised that was quite optimistic and we didn’t have enough time to do proper planning around the release,” admits bassist James Kinnear. “We pretty much started working on material around the tail end of COVID and when the lockdowns started to ease. We knew we wanted to do something different so we started creating rough sketches and demos and the title The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing came out of that. We started working with Lewis Johns and he was really supportive to us, got us in touch with MNRK and it was at that point we decided to do an album. It’s been a long time in the making. MNRK were great and wanted us to do it properly, promote it with a few singles and videos and put together a solid PR campaign to coincide with it.”

The circumstances surrounding the development of The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing gave TURIN a great opportunity to get out of their comfort zone and, like many people, adapt to the situation that the pandemic presented us with. “We used to approach things in quite an old school fashion, get in a studio as a collective and jam ideas and it used to take quite a bit of time,” explains James.

“We were forced down different routes during lockdown but we suddenly realised we had all this software at our disposal, WhatsApp, Dropbox, things like that and it worked really well. We taught ourselves how to record, produce demos and tackle those barriers head on which was great. We would meet up now and again to put finishing touches on things and do actual recordings for demos. It really sped the process up and the album came together pretty rapidly. We also feel like we created better music this way, it was more enjoyable learning how to use Reaper and play around with plugins etc.”

TURIN‘s release schedule has been few and far between up to this point which put them in the position of being able to almost start afresh with the project and usher the band into a new and exciting era. “The older stuff was kind of a riff fest, loads of ideas in a big pile whereas this time we purposefully went in with the idea of streamlining things and making it a lot more focused,” discusses James.

“When we finished the first track we knew we were onto something good, we’d set the precedent and pushed on from there. It all felt very cohesive and structured rather than just a load of different songs chucked together. The singles have gone down really well and I think people are excited to see this rebrand of our sound and look. We’ve had a lot of positivity and it’s a great feeling as it’s been a while since we’ve released anything and it feels like everyone is ready for us to make a comeback and show how we’ve evolved.”

Off the back of this release, TURIN fully intend to hit the ground running and harness their newfound sense of purpose. Whether in the form of touring (which they are currently in the midst of confirming) or further material, the quintet are ready to take the band to the next level. “We’ve got loads of stuff in the locker, whether it gets used or not. We’ve got stacks of ideas, some may be completely awful but they are always a potential starting point for something great,” jokes James. “We tend to be pretty creative and share our ideas around and maybe not think about it for a while then suddenly find the perfect place for it.”

The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing is out now via MNRK Heavy.

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