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EP REVIEW: I Will Be Gone – Primal Fear

The admirable and impressive characteristics of these veteran old-school heavy metal bands are their unwavering stoicism, immoveable against the raging force in the onslaught of the modernity of metal. And sometimes, rightly so. Even after 13 studio albums since their inception in 1997, German power-metal giants PRIMAL FEAR shall not pull over to the side of the road to let you relieve your bladder or even to the next gas station, as they drop the 5-track EP, I Will Be Gone, the successor to their full-length release Metal Commando in the midst of 2020.  

Sweet, nostalgia inducing acoustic guitar strums conjure up a montage of memories from days gone by in title track I Will be Gone. Although initially a tranquil trickling river, wisps of the power of a tsunami that guest vocalist Tarja Turunen’s voice is capable of is already palpable, but for now this duet between the former NIGHTWISH vocalist and Ralf Scheepers is one of peace and harmony. A chorus that brings together a unity of understanding has Turunen’s classically trained soprano vocals nudge softly behind that of Scheepers, the harmonious union offering an air of enlightenment, despite the bittersweet parting of the lyrical theme: “I’ve waited all too long, I will wait no more. When the light is out, I will be gone.” Guitar duties split between that of Tom Naumann, Alex Beyrodt, and Magnus Karlsson, has whispers of flamenco styles running through the guitar solo, and the way it’s softly played does not detract from the beauty of the song. 

With a sharp manoeuvre in the total opposite direction, the distorted riffage that forces it way through the crowd of tribal drums in Vote For No Confidence is one that instils a sheer primal fear within our hearts, complete with a signature power metal scream that’ll make you wish you’d brought a spare pair of underwear to this battle. Pinch harmonics, guitar squeals, machine-gunning bass, and double kick drums raise the hairs upon our arms, has our ears twitching, and has us looking over our shoulders for the impending ambush. Scheepers consults his comrades around the battle table; “We live in times of changes, and we don’t trust in you. It’s time to make a motion vote of no confidence.” Foreboding distortion is defeated by the more hopeful and uplifting melodious guitar solo, before the end of the track reminds us that this is only a single battle that’s been won, and that the war will still wage further on. 

Leading perfectly into an instrumental arrangement is Rising Fear, as soft guitar trills echo the war mongering tales of METALLICA‘s One and thunder claps foretell the oncoming storm. Militant drumming encourages women and their children to run and hide, to lock their doors and barricade the windows, and to not make any sudden movements as a darkening force looms over their city’s dwellings.
In another realm and a world away entirely, Leave Me Alone utilises aggressive palm-muting that, if you posses the dwindling gift of recognising social cues, gives off a confrontational energy. With a dubious choice of words however, you’re more than likely to not take the threats of “bugger off and leave me alone with your shit// make yourself scarce and fuck off, just bugger off” very seriously. 

There’s something sleazier and sordid about Second to None as you walk the meek and damp streets of a dodgy downtown alley, the rats scurrying across your path and giving you a malicious look of unpleasantness, their red eyes revealing the insights they posses of your future that awaits around the next corner. Slipping through the nearest door as your eyes catch the glisten of a steely blade in the orange glow of flickering street lights, the tune over the speaker system in this accidental haven of carnal appetites calls you in further: “Be wild. Stay young. Live life to the fullest ‘cause it’s second to none.” 

PRIMAL FEAR’s I Will Be Gone EP is the ideal stepping stone between the river banks of albums, flat and sturdy in the imperative essence of distortion and added bonuses of melodic chorus hooks that reek of unity and solidarity. Conquering the sound waves within our immediate vicinity, these German power metal titans will continue to strike a primal fear that resonates deep within our metal encrusted hearts. 

Rating: 8/10

I Will Be Gone is out now via Nuclear Blast Records.

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