LIVE REVIEW: SubRosa @ The Rainbow, Birmingham
Having embarked on a mammoth European tour, SUBROSA are breaking new ground playing their first ever shows in the UK. The tour started in London, and then moved to Birmingham where we checked it out.

Female fronted doom quintet KROH rocked the foundations of The Rainbow with an intense and powerful show. A gentle and ethereal sound erupted from the Oliwia Sobieszek vocal chords in conjunction with stronger, more demanding tones where appropriate in the songs. The singing fits neatly together with guitars and drums, the latter fading to highlight the former, and vice versa to create a very pleasing and entertaining sound. As a result, the crowd were getting more involved with every song that was played. It is bands like this which are the backbone to rock and roll.
Rating: 9/10

DARKHER started their set by playing an electric guitar with a violin bow which, if nothing else, got the attention of the crowd. Shortly after the Jayn H Wissenberg‘s ethereal voice kicked in setting the tone for the show and all the lighting in the room went red. Both guitarists began singing, male and female creating a very specific, unnerving sound which served as an introduction to the main riff to kick in with force. The set continued with this theme of unusual playing, dashing any expectations. Just when you get comfortable, you are thrown back into the abyss. Certainly more of an acquired taste, but the time it takes to appreciate DARKHER is more than worth it.
Rating: 8/10

A gentle introduction opens the show buy quickly taken over by strong vocals and loud guitars as SUBROSA begin what they came here to do. The audience reciprocates their power with a synchronised head bang. The deeply intricate melodies, a mix of violins, guitar, vocals, and drums, all wind together to create something darkly beautiful. Like DARKHER, their set has gentler sections that can only be described as solemn and haunting, during which the audience respectfully admire. It’s refreshing to have a band that changes it up so many times in a single show, swapping between heavy riffs, and melodic tunes. SUBROSA are not a band for everyone, but for those they appease, they are a triumph.
Rating: 8/10
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