Death MetalDoom MetalLabel SigningNews

Yatra sign to Prosthetic Records

YATRA have signed to Prosthetic Records!

Since forming in 2017, the Maryland-based trio have made waves in the underground thanks to their wicked blend of doom. Riding on high on the release of last year’s third full-length record, All Is Lost, which saw the band adopt a more old school death metal approach, the band have now taken the next step in their carer through signing with Prosthetic Records.

The band recently been in the studio working on their debut release under the Prosthetic banner, with more details to be revealed soon.

Speaking about the signing, the band says, “we are very happy to be working with Prosthetic Records, and super excited about this new album that we have just recorded. It is our best album yet, and a crucial step for us in the evolution of YATRA as a band, in the darkness of this changing world we are living in.”

For more information on YATRA like their official page on Facebook.

James Weaver

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Distorted Sound Magazine; established in 2015. Reporting on riffs since 2012.