Album ReviewsDeath MetalReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Deserted – Gatecreeper

If you missed the last GATECREEPER record, then fear not. The band somewhat snuck under the radar despite offering a meaty collection of proper good modern death metal. Receiving some high praise for their output, the group have gone from strength to strength with their latest release Deserted. With album artwork that looks like an acid trip from hell, GATECREEPER have taken everything that made their debut a stellar time and just turned it all up to 11.

From the thunderous opening title track, the tone is immediately set. And enclosed within the first five minutes of music is a varied and broad musical platter that sets up GATECREEPER as the arena death metal band they have recently branded themselves as. Deserted culminates with a winding and epic guitar solo that simply bleeds into the brutal Puncture Wounds to firmly remind you that this isn’t an album, or band, to be trifled with. As the guitars divebomb, the drums kick in and the death metal machine truly starts to erupt.

Returning back to the starting riff shows the band to be in touch with some good songwriting, and as the following From The Ashes kicks in with a bouncing groove, GATECREEPER prove themselves to be king at writing varied and genuinely interesting death metal that still retains a firm grip on old school sensibilities. There is a cavernous effect to the production, and it makes Deserted feel like it’s been performed from a deep chasm of hell; perhaps even the landscapes that the striking album artwork depicts.

There is a tendency for songs to somewhat overstay their welcome from time to, but given how unique every song feels, it helps to give the album an excellent sense of depth. With so many intricacies to delve into, there is room for repeat listens, and the GATECREEPER faithful will find plenty to enjoy in every single song across Deserted. With tracks like Everlasting offering a dark and twisted path into the very depths of modern death metal, there are still moments of surprising clarity even when things are running at peak intensity. This all comes together best when the band are working at full whack, with the double bass running rampant and each guitar being sliced to pieces with slick and swift riffs.

GATECREEPER, along with VENOM PRISON, CREEPING DEATH and TOMB MOLD are comfortably some of the best purveyors of death metal this side of the decade. With varied and interesting influences finding room in the colossal mix, Deserted presents itself as a multifaceted outing into a band forging forward without forgetting where their beloved music first originated from. There is enough retro to please long term fans, and enough difference to truly place GATECREEPER a top the pile.

Rating: 8/10

Deserted - Gatecreeper

Deserted is out now via Relapse Records. 

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