Album ReviewsFolkReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Njord – Baldrs Draumar

Hailing from Fryslân in the north of the Netherlands comes BALDRS DRAUMAR – a folk metal band who have just given us their fifth album Njord, this time relying entirely on acoustic instruments and lyrics sung in their Frisian tongue. The backstory of the album consists of a tale surrounding a group of Frisians who refused baptism and only accepted the ways of their old gods. This epic tale features, but isn’t limited to, sailing the sea for many days and nights, a deadly plague, a greedy bishop, civil war and starting anew.

Even though nothing is in English you can still feel and understand the epic nature of the story. Title track Njord opens with the sounds of horns and war drums, soundtracking a long journey over the sea. Completion of their journey is sung during Thus Op See where you bask in the joyfulness of a busy tavern filled with song and dance.

We could go on and on about the different parts of the story that each song narrates but it honestly it feels like we’ll spoil the entire thing. But what we can say is that we go from the Medieval style instruments that can you picture doing a choreographed dance to, to visualising our hero walking towards their destiny as everyone stands back, to the celebration as our hero wins the day and celebrates with all their loved ones.

Throughout the album’s entire runtime we are transfixed and hypnotised by the fantasy of it all and if we close our eyes we can picture ourselves walking through a variety of landscapes. Whether it’s Eivor, Geralt, or the Dragonborn, we feel as if we’re living in their worlds and watching life go by as many events happen throughout the town, village, tavern – take your pick. That’s the best way to enter this experience; look at Njord as a soundtrack to whatever medium you fancy and let your imagination run wild. Beautiful, simply beautiful.

Rating: 8/10

Njord - Baldrs Draumar

Njord is out now via self-release.

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