Album ReviewsReviewsThrash Metal

ALBUM REVIEW: Primal Future: 2019 – Toxic Holocaust

Never one to deviate from their well-trodden path of thrash, TOXIC HOLOCAUST have grown into one of the premier names metal’s underground in their two decade run. The brainchild of energetic front man Joel Grind, the band have hit consistently across their five full-length efforts. Now, after a six year wait, album number six, Primal Future: 2019, is here.

Given the resurging interest in thrash, spearheaded by young and hungry bands like POWER TRIP, there will be questions as to whether TOXIC HOLOCAUST can keep up with the competition. Instantly, these niggles of doubt are squashed as Grind wastes absolutely zero time in roaring into life as the album kicks off with Chemical Warlords. Trademark thrashing riffs dominate proceedings, injecting a bout of adrenaline right from the get-go, and Grind‘s instantly recognisable rasps keep the sound feeling razor-sharp. Several times throughout the song, the thrashing chaos subsides for some slick grooves as Grind‘s vocals evolve into an almost chant, making for a first standout moment on the album. A strong start to the record.

This trend very much continues across Primal Future: 2019‘s duration. Black Out The Code‘s blackened edge helps the song hit all the more harder, New World Beyond‘s slick riffing of neck-snapping ferocity make for an instant ear-worm and Deafened By The Roar‘s blistering one and a half minute run-time is packed full of bite and aggression. Occasional splashes of twin guitar-play in Time’s Edge display a subtle melodic edge to the chaos, Primal Future‘s mid-tempo romp is utterly emphatic and the one-two punch of the dizzying riffs displayed in Iron Cage and the speed metal assault of Controlled By Fear make for an exhilarating listen in the album’s later stages.

Whilst some may digest the record as one dimensional, and indeed it is, it’s worth noting TOXIC HOLOCAUST are not exactly a band you’d expect, or even want, to divert off the expected path. Primal Future: 2019 goes for your throat right from the first riff to the last crash of the drums and it’s quite the ride.

There is a feeling of nostalgia to Primal Future: 2019. A dystopian technological takeover sits at the heart of the album thematically, plugged straight out of the age of 1980’s science-fiction, and the theme really compliments TOXIC HOLOCAUST‘s primal brand of thrash. Equally, given the fact this album was composed and performed solely by Grind, harking back to the origins of the band, Primal Future: 2019 presents itself as as a throwback to days gone by, but with two decades worth of experience, it still feels hungry and able to strike a killing blow.

Given the advancement and experimentation metal has experienced in the past few decades, one might see Primal Future: 2019‘s nostalgic thrashing experience in a negative light, but Primal Future: 2019 is exactly what you’d expect from TOXIC HOLOCAUST; Joel Grind has built his career on being consistent with his sound and output. This is a metal album that is pure, unadulterated fun. Sure, it won’t reinvent the wheel, but why fix something that isn’t broken?

Rating: 8/10

Primal Future: 2019 is set for release on October 4th via eOne.

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James Weaver

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Distorted Sound Magazine; established in 2015. Reporting on riffs since 2012.