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ALBUM REVIEW: Satan is King – ACxDC

Despite Satan is King being the bands 2nd full length release, ACxDC have been frothing bile into the American hardcore and powerviolence scene since 2003 with their blasphemous combination of satan, straight edge lifestyle, and political anger. With more split EPs than we’ve had hot dinners, ACxDC released their first full length back in 2014 before alternating between playing live and taking time off. Having never been a ridiculously active band in the first place, ACxDC did return in gigging form last year and have followed up with the soon to be released sophomore release of Satan is King, 15 tracks of purpose built fury perfect for a year as bleak and shit as 2020. 

Walking the thin line between grindcore and powerviolence whilst making it look easy as you like, the ACxDC sound is murderous as ever, and still maintain the original unit’s ferocity that  made them such an exciting act in the first place when they stepped onto the scene. From riffs that blitz at 10000 revs per second before bring it back to a pummelling and intensely slow pace for chest beating moments of machismo, Satan is King is a dynamic experience that has more seething anger imbued into it than anything the band have produced before. 

Copsucker is a screaming fuck you to the established law enforcement and anyone else who feels the need to suck up to power in exchange for their own. This, and the track Exercise in Futility with its impassioned call for a return of guillotine executions represent the sheer fever pitch Satan is King reaches. ACxDC are not fucking around or mincing their words when it comes to the message the want to get across, and similarly the music matches the tonal intensity. From the sheer and painful feedback that makes up the first seconds of this records life, Singe quickly comes bounding out the gates, featuring some interesting vocal work that has a truly demonic and unsettling affect made up of well layered voices and is a welcomed shake up from the usual shrieked assault. From here the foot remains planted on the accelerator and doesn’t let up for a second. This is a record that wants to take you by surprise and never take the pressure off.

Gorged proudly shows off the bands hardcore roots as the guitars chug through power-chord rhythms, with the powerhouse drums providing a rock solid and immovable platform for the whole mix to springboard off. The songs are kept concise but are fluid enough to feature multiple ideas through out their brief lifespan. Urban Blight, whilst also representing the start of the exceptional final stretch of this record, also provides some truly exceptional pit riffs that show ACxDC to be amongst the best at crossing over grindcore and powerviolence into a fearfully intense experience. The abrupt tempo changes keep the listener on their toes, and also offer enjoyable reprieves from the lightening-fast main portion of Satan is King as a whole. 

For however intimidating the genres bands like ACxDC and NAILS inhabit, there is an undeniably fantastic feeling that comes from hearing a great band play great music at blistering fast speeds. Few bands are able to truly embody the chaotic fun that powerviolence and grindcore provide whilst also making their message and intention utterly clear from the get go. ACxDC hail satan and smash the system in a way few are able to copy or emulate. The deranged combination of sounds and how well they blend together into a pitch black whirlwind of noise and fury is the reason you should check out ACxDC’s Satan is King, but the craftsmanship and message buried within the record are what will keep you coming back. Between this and WVRM, 2020 is spoilt for music of this ilk and quality. 

Rating: 9/10

ACxDC - Satan is King

Satan is King is set for release May 5th via Prosthetic Records.

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