Album ReviewsBlack MetalReviews

ALBUM REVIEW: Their Greatest Spells – Rotting Christ

Greek black metallers ROTTING CHRIST have been breaking down boundaries for the past 30 years. They have helped shape the genre with a huge back catalogue and outstanding live shows. It’s no wonder that they want to celebrate their growth as a band, exploring their experiments and some of their finest moments in their career. Their Greatest Spells looks over everything ROTTING CHRIST have grown to be and why they’re a staple in the black metal scene.

Compilation greatest hits albums can sometimes be tedious. Their Greatest Spells is the complete opposite. Each track has been carefully hand-picked, showcasing their earlier talents leaning towards grindcore and their evolution into the black metal sound. You’re not just listening to their best songs, you’re listening to ROTTING CHRIST’s journey and how they have created such a fine-tuned sound.

King of a Stellar War, Dying, In Yumen / Xibalba, Fgmenth thy Gift, are just a few of the 33 tracks compiled by front man Sakis Tolis. Imaginable, over a 3-decade extensive career the choices made must have been difficult and a lengthy task at hand. Not everyone can be pleased with track choices on greatest hit albums, but thanks to Tolis that will hopefully be a minority.

To celebrate the career of ROTTING CHRIST, Their Greatest Spells features a special, previously unreleased track titled I Will Not Serve.  The track sits as a stunning connection between the bands past and present musical ventures. It is consistent to the sound of what we have grown accustomed to, but with so many exciting twists and turns. A worthy track to sit among the greats.

Over two hours of music pours out of Their Greatest Spells and yet, the craving for ROTTING CHRIST still lingers. This is from just how perfect the tracks have been picked to be displayed as their best, you want more. This album is a brilliant introduction for new listeners of the band to get themselves acquainted, and for long-term fans who want to sit and listen to the journey that made this band well-respected and pioneers of their sound.

Rating: 9/10 

Rotting Christ

Their Greatest Spells is out now via Season of Mist

Like ROTTING CHRIST on their official Facebook

Jessica Howkins

Deputy Editor of Distorted Sound, Editor-in-Chief of Distorted Sound New Blood, Freelance Music Journalist, Music Journalism and Broadcasting graduate.