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ALBUM REVIEW: Transmutations – Fetid Zombie

Since the band’s formation in 2007, Virginia’s FETID ZOMBIE have developed a reputation for making music that is not only incredibly solid, but also distinctly different from the majority of acts within the US’ thriving extreme metal underground scene. Taking death metal, and mixing it with heady gothic and classic heavy metal influences, the band’s sound is deeply atmospheric, with many of their songs taking twists and turns musically that have kept their sound intriguing. Although the band hasn’t released a full length album since 2016, the one man act has kept itself busy with a slew of splits and EPs. Their most recent offering, Transmutations, proves to be very interesting, showcasing the band’s trademark dramatic sound really well.

The album starts off strongly with Chrysopoeia, a monolithic track that brings together intricate musicianship and a haunting, ethereal atmosphere, managing to balance gothic elements with jarring death metal, as well as some powerful, classic heavy metal hooks. The dense gutturals add a depth to the sound that, when contrasted with the slick leads, makes for an eclectic start to this album that covers a lot of ground musically. Conscious Rot has a more death metal orientated sound, although those punchy leads and attention grabbing keyboards still manage to give this a layered sound, with each subsequent passage pushing the song further away from the extremity that lies at its root, with only the vocals continuing to anchor this firmly within death metal.

Beyond Andromeda, a relatively short affair, makes great use of soaring guitar harmonies and measured drums to build a catchier, fresher sound that is evocative of hard rock, lending an anthemic edge to what’s on offer. As the song gathers momentum, it gradually turns darker, tying together reverb drenched guitar work and caustic vocal deliveries. It’s a stark change of pace that leaves a solid impression.

Dreamless Sleep Awaits ups the ante with its beguiling flourishes, with a crystalline guitar tone and hypnotic female vocals injecting an airy feel into the hooks, making this song instantly memorable. Much like the preceding offering, harsher vocals and a thicker bass sound give this a heaviness at its core, but the grandiose elements that defined the opening motif remain throughout, giving this a brooding, cavernous side from start to finish. Deep In The Catacombs pushes the album down an aggressive, rhythmic root, with sludgy guitars and bass, with visceral vocals creating a fiercer sound, with a few spartan keyboard accompaniments and virtuoso guitar licks providing lighter moments in amongst the meatier sections. It’s a great slab of primitive death metal that proves to be perhaps the most straight forward track on the record.

Breath Of Thanatos acts, initially, as a continuation of the last track, but quickly morphs into a vast, bombastic brew of gargantuan keys, angelic female vocals and sublime guitars, interspersed with noxious, grating gutturals. On the whole, this track brings together all the ingredients that have made this album so fantastic, from the heavy metal riffs to the sanguine, gothic keyboards peppered liberally throughout, ultimately making this final, sprawling track arguably the most enthralling and progressive on the album.

Making death metal that is incredibly atmospheric and as diverse in its range of musical influences as this album is exceptionally hard, but FETID ZOMBIE have managed to pull it off with ease. There are a few points, notably on the first and last songs, where the contrasting elements are, at times, a little bit too jarring, and it does feel as though this is more down to the production and the way the album has been mixed, as opposed to the music itself, but other than this minor detail, it’s incredibly hard to find fault with this album. It’s a testament to Mark Riddick as a musician that even close to 15 years since the band’s formation, he is still able to produce such powerful and engrossing music.

Rating: 8/10

Transmutations - Fetid Zombie

Transmutations is out now via Transcending Obscurity Records.

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