Black MetalDeath MetalEP ReviewsReviews

EP REVIEW: Averse to the Universe – Hex Wound

Black metal and death metal. They are two of the most popular genres in heavy music, offering up a level of extremity and exploration into the darker aspects of the human psyche rarely touched upon in more accessible genres. And when married, they offer a sound that, if executed properly, can transcend the bounds heaviness any other genre can offer. Hailing from Raleigh, North Carolina, HEX WOUND are the latest outfit to offer up a slab of blackened death metal with their debut EP, Averse to the Universe – but does it rise above the saturation of both black and death metal, or is it a forgettable exploration of the fusion of metal’s most brutal genres?

There’s no messing around from HEX WOUND‘s duo, Cast and Bind. No call for atmosphere building introductions nor self indulgent instrumentals; rather, Atomic Afterbirth explodes to life in thunderous fashion. Borderline tech-death riffing with a distinct blackened edge takes prominence in the mix, the battery of blast beats and double bass from session drummer Blacksmith keeps the tempo at a breakneck pace. A chaotic opening if ever there was one.

Averse to the Universe‘s title track follows, doubling down on the blackened edge of HEX WOUND to spellbinding effect, the use of almost chanted vocals adding something a little different to proceedings, while penultimate track Horror Form takes on an almost pure black metal delivery, and is a real highlight of the release. Closing track Void of Suffering proves to be the strongest offering of HEX WOUND‘s debut, however. Perfectly capturing the atmosphere of second wave black metal, Void of Suffering manages to inject that crushing MORBID ANGELDemigod era BEHEMOTH brutality without overpowering the blackened elements, ending Averse to the Universe on a high.

As far as debut releases go, Averse to the Universe is a strong offering. There is still a bit of work to be done with the refining of the songwriting, and establishing a distinct HEX WOUND identity – but make no mistake, this is as promising an opening statement as you’re likely to hear. Capturing the atmosphere of mid-discography BEHEMOTH with the unbridled chaos of VITRIOLAverse to the Universe is a blistering start for the North Carolinian duo.

Rating: 7/10

Hex Wound - Averse to the Universe

Averse to the Universe is out now via self-release. 

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