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EP REVIEW: GBH – Sadness & Complete Disappointment

Alternative rock outfit SADNESS & COMPLETE DISAPPOINMENT have put out their latest collection of songs in the form of their new EP GBH. When it comes to their sound and lyrical content, it simply boils down to mental illness and disillusionment at the world we currently live in, as they put it; “We are all crushed by depression pretty much day in and day out, and this EP is apparently what happens when you put four people who are really sick of living in one room together with some instruments they can just about play. Thematically, very on brand, our main thing is sadness – but with a glimmer of hope (which will inevitably at some point lead to disappointment).

When listening to the three tracks of this EP, it’s hard not to disagree with the above statement, as each falls within the melancholy category of song style and writing, but with their own small twists. The first track, Grip, heavily features a moody guitar rhythm that has some comparison to theatrical 80s rock and metal, which is joined by hauntingly sad sounding vocals that you can’t help but find intriguing. The harmonies that gradually phase into the track only further add to the moody ambience before things end on a note that combines hard rock and grunge.

Next up on Barb, the grunge influence continues to show with elements that remind you heavily of the scene in the 90s. Once again, there is a lovely blend of moody guitar, drums and soft vocals which manage to somehow exist in a reality where they juxtapose the mood of the song, yet at the same time fit perfectly. And finally, we have High, a blend of soft alternative rock and the theatrical, which in some way reminds you of nu-metal, only further perpetuated by the haunting vocals that feel somewhat reminiscent of the likes of EVANESCENCE and WITHIN TEMPTATION.

GBH is a short EP consisting of three tracks of moodiness and melancholic ambience. It’s certainly lovely to listen to, but, while appreciating its beauty, you can’t help but feel that there could’ve been a little more added to make this stand out more – mostly due to its short length which means you only want to hear more of SADNESS & COMPLETE DISAPPOINMENT‘s spin on the melancholic with other genres.

Rating: 7/10

GBH - Sadness And Complete Disappointment

GBH is out now via self-release.


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