AlternativeEP ReviewsPunkReviews

EP REVIEW: It’s Not A Phase – Rezz

For someone who is usually an electronic DJ, REZZ has actually conspired to create an EP with an authentic feeling cyberpunk extravaganza. With guest vocals from the likes of ALICE GLASS, MKLA and RAVEN GRAY, it’s clear that she had a deliberate plan in terms of vocal styles, despite each track featuring a separate vocalist.

It sits well as a concept, with high production values and a well-balanced approach to the layering of the sound. While some tracks, such as album opener Blue In The Face have a grimier, dubstep feel, most of the EP has a more laid-back style and BPM, rather more reminiscent of the soundtrack to computer games such as Cyberpunk 2077, or the Shadowrun series of RPG games, and would indeed fit in well alongside tracks from those series.

The guest vocalists all fit well, providing additional layering and a genuine feel of authenticity to the tracks, while the mix of both male and female vocals means there’s always an extra reason to pay attention to that side of things. The musical backing is done with minimum fuss, allowing the vocals to add extra range and the singers to take agency with the direction of their parts, fully expressing themselves in their roles.

As mentioned, there’s a high standard of production, though this is hardly unexpected after a listen through some of REZZ‘s previous work and given her experience as an electronic DJ. The approach to layering is fairly standard but done in an appreciable manner that makes it very approachable, quite possibly beyond the alternative market. There’s definitely a question of whether it could sit alongside some of the more mainstream dubstep artists at times, though whether too much of the EP has too slow a pace for that particular genre may be a tough selling point there.

Overall, It’s Not A Phase is a very approachable piece of work, weighing in at just over 20 minutes. It is perfectly imaginable to see this played an alternative night as it is at the likes of even a potentially more mainstream audience. There is something in there for most people to enjoy, the melodies and the relaxed nature of it all making for a great atmosphere alongside the darker undertones of the writing.

Rating: 7/10

It's Not A Phase - Rezz

It’s Not A Phase is out now via HypnoVizion Records.

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