AlternativeEP ReviewsReviews

EP REVIEW: Wind-Ups – Bikelane

From Norway we would like introduce BIKELANE and their debut EP Wind-Ups. With influences coming from the likes of ARCTIC MONKEYS and THE STROKES, as well as members having a range of experience after performing in other bands GIRL IN RED, ME & THE JULIOS and SELMER, the end result is a short but sweet EP that is able to stand on its own.

The four-track EP opens with Enough Is Enough with an intro that, in short, just sounds so cool. Immediately you can hear the aforementioned indie influences as the song sounds like something you would easily find on an album released by ARCTIC MONKEYS or OASIS. In fact it’s easy to just reminisce about the British indie movement that took place from the mid to late 2000s. It has us picturing one of two scenarios; being at a British summertime music festival or watching a sitcom from that era, like The Inbetweeners, and having that song appear in the soundtrack.

Moving on to Ferris Wheel we start out with a distorted sci-fi intro before switching to indie rock that once again transports you to a music festival. It’s fun, upbeat and features fantastic vocals. That’s a fair summary of the EP, the instruments gel well together and vocals are strong, avoiding some of the more typically whiney vocals one would stereotypically expect.

Things do take a melancholier turn when we come to final track Bird’s-eye View. Instead of happy summer vibes we are presented with lyrics that appear to depict the inner turmoil of anxiety and drinking too much on a night out – something that quite a few of us can relate to. Along with a style switch-up between the verses and chorus we are left with an outstanding track.

If we were to complain about anything it would probably be that the EP is too short and we want more. This is such a strong debut that just sounds cool. You can hear all of their influences without them making you think you’re listening to another copycat band that whines about the stupid little things. BIKELANE have established their own style and have created a pleasant listening experience.

Rating: 8/10

Wind-Ups - Bikelane

Wind-Ups is out now via Banditt Media.

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