Album NewsFolkNews

Heilung announce new album ‘Futha’

HEILUNG have announced a new album!

The new album, titled Futha, is the latest offering from the amplified history group and is scheduled to be released in May this year.

Speaking about the album, the band says, “the majority of full rune set inscriptions start with Futha, and is known to us as the first four letters in all runic alphabets. It is considered that our forefathers saw magic potential in engraving the full rune line, but there is also great significance in the beginnings. Science has no key for the meaning of only engraving the first couple of letters yet, but there is, of course, a surplus of theories. One of the theories we found inspiration in, is that Futha holds the meaning of fertility and female gender. As Ofnir focused on war and masculine notions, the great healing power of female wild strength is evoked in Futha. Those who have been present at a birth or have seen lionesses hunting know the spirit, and we welcome and embrace it in the sounds that were born during the creation of Futha.”

Artwork for Ofnir is below:


Futha is set for release on May 2019 via Season of Mist.

For more information on HEILUNG like their official page on Facebook.

James Weaver

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Distorted Sound Magazine; established in 2015. Reporting on riffs since 2012.