Black MetalHeavy MetalLabel SigningNews

Nite sign to Season of Mist

NITE have signed to Season of Mist!

San Francisco Bay Area, one of the most prominent places for producing some of the most blistering metal bands on the planet. Only three years after their inception, the blackened heavy metal band carries the torch for the location yet again by signing to Season of Mist. The band will be releasing their second full-length album on the label with more details TBA.

About the signing, the band says, “All of us in the circle of NITE are very excited to announce our signing with Season of Mist. We look forward to working with their talented and experienced team to bring our music to the unsuspecting masses. We are thrilled to join the label’s echelon of innovative artists whose legacy looms large over the history of modern heavy music.”

For more information on NITE like their official page on Facebook.

Jessica Howkins

Deputy Editor of Distorted Sound, Editor-in-Chief of Distorted Sound New Blood, Freelance Music Journalist, Music Journalism and Broadcasting graduate.