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River Fury release new song ‘Comfort Is Being Fooled’

RIVER FURY have released a brand new song!

The song, titled Comfort Is Being Fooled, is taken from the London quartet’s upcoming debut EP Five Year Plan, which is scheduled for release in November.

Speaking about the track, vocalist and guitarist Dan Howe says, “It’s about being in a loveless relationship, but rather than going through the pain of a separation, you continue to lie to yourselves and to through the motions to keep up appearances. In case the mother of my children is reading this; it is not autobiographical!”

Listen to Comfort Is Being Fooled here:

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=#ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&show_teaser=true&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”300″ iframe=”true” /]

The upcoming EP was recorded at Hermitage Studios in London, with production from Ed Ripley.

Speaking about the concept behind the title and the overall sound of the EP, vocalist and guitarist Pat Nutton says it “revolves around a person who can’t seem to get with the idea of settling down with a plan for his life, and instead rues it. We wanted to make a fairly big sounding rock record, one that didn’t shy or mince its riffs or words. When we wanted to make it loud we made it loud and when we wanted it a bit more subtle and soothing we did that. Some of my other musical exploits are a bit more rough and ready and lo-fi but we didn’t feel the need for holding back from layering harmonies or conversely being discordant”.

You can view the track list and artwork for the upcoming EP below:

Track List: 

1. Wasteful
2. Walking In The Sand
3. Tupelo
4. Comfort In Being Fooled
5. 5 Year Plan

You can also catch the band live at The Finsbury, London on 3rd November.

Five Year Plan is set for release 30th November via Painted Halo Records.

For more information on RIVER FURY like their official page on Facebook